Skydiving Links

Here are a few of my favorite places. Come back often as I'll be adding cool sites as soon as I find them!

Square One - your online gear connection! - skydiving news, information, pictures, classifieds, auctions...

Go Fast Sports - Fast Threads for Your Bod

Perris Valley Skydiving - 3 Otters and a Skyvan... gotta love it!

PerrisCam - Can't get to Perris? See what's happening here!

Skydive Elsinore

Reflex - the Skybytch's choice

Precision Aerodynamics - Raven Dash M reserves and the Icarus mains - check out the Safire if you're in the mood for some fun!

Performance Designs - PD builds canopies for every skydiver. The Skybytch prefers the Spectre.

The Enclave - an exhaustive list of skydiving links

USPA - United States Parachute Association

Omniskore - this is the place to be during any major RW competition. Live feeds from DZTV on the Webcam, up to the minute scores.

Relative Workshop - makers of the Vector III harness/container systems and the inventors of the three ring release.

Para Publishing - Books and information on skydiving and self publishing.

SSK Industries - the US Cypres service center. Lots of info on the Cypres AAD here.


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