


personal homepage


WeLcOmE tO My HoMePaGe~ ThIs pAgE MaInlY iS aBouT mE... <---- a CoOL bUt LaZy gUY....heeheehee... :-) Ok oK...FiRsT, ThAnK YoU fOr ViSiTiNg My hOmEpAgE.......FiNaLlY, rEmEmBeR tO sIgN mY gUeSt BoOK...aT lEaSt I KnOw wHo hAd vIsItEd mY hOmEpAgE... =)

Hi there, web surfers! Welcome to my homepage. Let's get know me first.. My name is  Tan Ching Yih.
I am currently studying in the Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Tun Syed Sheh Barakbah (SMKTSSB).
I am a normal human just like you living in this Wonderful World.
I like to chat with other people through IRC (Internet Relay Chat). Click here to download IRC software. Hmm...... What else??? Oh,yes! I am from Penang, Malaysia.Malaysia is a country which is located in South-East Asia.Don't know? Look at your map. You definitely can find it.. Malaysia is a multifarious country. It is a very popular tourist attraction country.Why is it so popular ? Come to Malaysia and find it out yourself. Penang island, which is located in the Northern part of Peninsula Malaysia. It is also a famous tourist destination.

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( On YoUr sPeAkEr tO hEaR tHe bAcKgRoUnD MiDi - TrUly mAdLy DeEpLY )

AnY sUgGeStIoN Or cOmMeNt ?

cLiCk ThIs iMaGe >>email3.gif (25432 bytes)<< tO SeNd mE YoUr eMaiL



ball1.gif (1896 bytes) WaNnA kNoW MoRe aBoUt Me ??? >>>>>> cLiCk HeRe

ball1.gif (1896 bytes) mY FaVoUrItE CoOoOoOol LiNkS >>>>>> cLiCk HeRe

ball1.gif (1896 bytes) ViSiT  mY ScHoOL hOmEpAgE ?? >>>>>> cLiCk HeRe

ball1.gif (1896 bytes) wAnNa sEe My pIcTuRe ?? heheheh >>>>>> cLiCk HeRe

bar2.gif (3695 bytes)

warna.gif (4587 bytes) rEmEmBer tO sIGn My gUeSt BoOk warna.gif (4587 bytes)

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® TAN CHING YIH October 1997, last updated 1/1/1999. ®