Welcome to my website dedicated to:

SNOWBOARDING & Classic Trucks

Snowboarding ! Classic Trucks ! Computers ! Everything Else ! Contact Me


Snowboarding is a solid adrenaline rush that pushes you to your limits and really provides you with a sense of accomplishment when you stomp that huge jump or learn a new trick.

Classic Trucks

I also have a passion for classic trucks. My current project is a 1959 Chevrolet pickup that I have owned since the spring of 1997. It's frame-up restoration is nearly complete and I can't wait to drive it. Check out how it's coming in the Restoration Gallery.


A CIS student just can't have a web page without something on computers. Check out the following page for some help in creating your own website. More to come!

Everthing Else

This section is reserved for whatever else I feel like putting up on my website. Newly added is a page about: ME ( In case you are wondering who the man behind the madness is ). In the future I hope to add a page regarding my favorite movie of all time, Dazed and Confused.

You are visitor # since 02/19/98

Last updated:(M/D/Y) 12/1/99

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