Amidst the ska/punk capital of the world, commonly known as Orange County California arises Kinder Size, a youthful, energetic band whose lyrical expression consist of lifes reality, as opposed to the oppression of a government.


The stage is set, soundcheck completed, and the crowd is screaming. Erick, Matt, Chris, and Jeff take the stage, getting ready to put on a show like no one you have ever seen. The guitars start, the drums and bass kick in, and your head gets filled with a pleuthora of soulful sounds, and responsible lyrics. Kinder Size, of Costa Mesa, California are capable of delivering such a performance. These boys, no older than 21, will capture your heart, mind, and soul.

Although Kinder Size is a relatively new band, these boys have played with some well known artists, including POE, Love and Rockets, and Flourecine. Upcoming shows inclued 311, and Scott Weiland.

Kinder Size will be playing a vast number of shows all over the southland. Look here for show dates and venue information (as soon as I get off my ass and post them.) I hope to see you at a show. I guarantee it will be worth the money spent! Until then, Be KIND!


CD's are available. Contact Jeryl Thompson:

Jeryl Thompson
214 Palmer Street Suite A
Costa Mesa, CA 92627
(714) 262-1587
(714) 631-9995 (fax)

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