Mountain biking and
skiing links & info
I have created this site to provide people with quality links to some good mountain biking and skiing companies. I also have some good info on skiing tricks and pics. I am constantly updating this page with new pics and links so please bookmark this page now and comback often.
visitor since 11/21/99
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Click on the name of the trick to veiw pictures of the tricks.   Some of them are of me and my freind and the others i just pics i have found.
Spread eagle: After takeoff the arms and legs are extended to the sides away from the body. The legs should be spread to form a minimum angle of 90 degrees when viewed from the front. The skis should be parallel to each other and perpendicular to the body. The upper body should remain straight and upright without any bend at the waist.
ZudnickThe body is bent roughly 90 degrees at the waist by bringing the upper body forward and down, and the lower body forward and up. The skis should be close together and parallel, and the head remains upright.
Twister: 1The skis are twisted a minimum of 90 degrees to the side. The skis should remain parallel, together and perpendicular to the body. The hands and arms may move in the opposite direction to counter the twisting of the skis.
Backscratcher: The skis are brought up in the back to a minimum angle of 90 degrees when viewed from the side. The knees are bent, the hips are forward and the back should be in a slight arch position. The legs must be together; the skis are parallel.
Daffy: After takeoff one leg is brought up and forward, while the opposite leg is brought up and backward resulting in a "splits" position. Both skis should remain parallel to each other. The forward ski should be pointing straight up, while the rear ski should be pointing straight down. The legs remain as straight as possible.
KosakA combination of a spread eagle and a Zudnik where the poles go between the legs.
Helicopter: An upright 360-degree rotation of the body.
The skier spins as if he were a helicopter rotor
Iron Cross: Slkier crosses his skis to form an X.  Used with many otehr tricks to make variations in tricks.
Mule kick: A back scratcher, only the skis are to the side instead of behind.
Tail Grab: The skier Grabs teh tail of their ski wile in the air.  Can be used during many other tricks as a variation.
Mute Grab: Skier grabs the center iof teh ski behind the binding.  can be used during other tricks to form variations
Twister spread: A twister followed by a spread eagle.

Double twister: A twister followed by another twister.

Daffy twister: A daffy followed by a twister.

Double twister spread: A twister followed by a twister followed by a spread eagle.

Triple twister: A twister followed by a twister followed by another twister.

Daffy twister spread: A daffy followed by a twister followed by a spread eagle.

Heli-spread: A helicopter with a spread eagle in it.

180 Spread 180: A helicopter with a spread eagle done when the skier is facing uphill.

Iron cross 360: Make an "X" with the skis while doing a Helicopter - Johny Moselys patented move.

Toe dip to kosak: A back scratcher followed by a kosak.

JLB: An Iron Cross and a Cossack combined - an original creation of Jean-Luc Brassard.
K2 Skis
Cool site with all the new gear including their new ski boards, the K2 Fattys.
Cannondale Bikes:
All their new bikes and apparel plus racing info.
Atomic Skis: Has all their new skis and gear for teh new ski season.
Ski net's all new gear finder: Great site for finding the skis and gear u want for the 99-2000 ski season.
K2 bikes: Formally known as Proflex.  All the new bikes and accessories plus Nolene shocks.
GT Bikes: Another great MTB and BMX company.
Trek Bikes: Another great MTB company.  Home of the Y-bike.
Dynastar: The makers of the most succesfull mogul ski of all time, the Dynastar Assault.  This page also featured the products of Look and Lange.
Rossingal: Great ski company with all there new gear for the ski season.
Elan skis:  Yet another reputable ski company with all there new skis and gear.
Geography project on Africa: OK OK, this has nothing to do with skis or biking, but its a web page i did as a project for my 10th grade World Geography class.
If you find any good links or find pictures of the tricks above, please let me know by e-mailing me at
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