Sauratown Mountain Hang Gliding Club
Regulatory Program
16 August 1997
Regulations concerning flight rules and responsibilities of the Sauratown Mountain Hang Gliding Club hereafter referred to as the SMHGC. The governing authority is the Board of Directors hereafter referred to as the BOD.
I. Clearance Procedure
1. Applicants are approved or rejected by a member of the BOD or any previous BOD member not removed from office during their term. Applicants may appeal a rejection to the full BOD. The decision to accept or reject ANY applicant may be overturned by a majority vote of the full BOD.
2. SMHGC membership or the company of a current club member is required at both launch locations.
3. Applicants must be a current member of the United States Hang Gliding Association (USHGA) and must have signed the waiver of liability form as a provision of membership of that organization. Additionally, the SMHGC flight privilege application must be signed as an agreement to abide by the club's rules and regulations.
4. The SMHGC rating system complies with the USHGA standards. (However, the BOD reserves the right to rate a pilot lower than the USHGA rating if the facts warrant.)
5. Tandem flights must comply with USHGA & FAA regulations. Passengers must be in the process of learning to fly and physically able to use weight-shift for control of the glider.
6. Any paragliding must meet with the approval of the BOD.
II. Site Skill Level Minimum Requirements
1. Front side launch (south)
A. USHGA Hang III/Intermediate Rating.
B. Hang II/Novice pilots with 10 or more mountain flights must have a Qualified Club Member as appointed by the BOD present in addition to a certified instructor. The instructor need not be present if the Qualified Club Member has spoken to the instructor previously and determined the abilities of the pilot.
C. Hang II/Novice pilots with less than 10 mountain flights require both an instructor and a Qualified Club Member to be present.
D. Hang II/Novice pilots with no mountain flights must have an instructor and a Qualified Club Member present. Before flying, at least two BOD members must approve the activity.
E. Hang II/Novice pilots who have flown repeatedly from Sauratown and have demonstrated skill and judgment may fly without supervision upon approval of a majority of the BOD.
2. Back side launches (south/west & north/west)
Absolutely no first mountain flights. No exceptions.
It is recommended that pilots always have at least one other person present.
A. USHGA Hang IV/Advanced Rating.
B. Hang III/Intermediate pilots with cliff launch skills signoff must seek approval from at least two BOD members. A Qualified Club Member must be present.
C. Hang II/Novice pilots who have flown repeatedly from Sauratown and have demonstrated skill and judgment must seek approval from a majority of the BOD and have a Qualified Club Member present.
D. Flights must not interfere with Mountain Top Youth Camp (MTYC) activities.
III. Flight rules
1. Helmets and Parachutes are required.
2. HGMA Certified gliders or equivalent are required.
3. Gliders must be maintained in good overall condition (no frayed cables, no bent down tubes, no torn sail).
4. Preflight checks of glider and harness, including a hang check, must be performed.
5. Launches are to be made from ramps only.
6. Wire people must be thoroughly briefed by each pilot using them. Assistance is required in soarable conditions.
7. Wire crews are required for windy launches on MTYC property.
8. Adhere to "Flight Soaring Rules" and "Thermal Etiquette" as found in USHGA publications.
9. Keep a safe distance from TOWERS -- minimum clearance:
A. Wonder wind conditions -- 100 feet.
B. Strong thermal conditions -- 200 feet.
10. Flying while intoxicated is prohibited.
IV. Landing rules
1. Flights must be terminated by sunset.
2. Pilots should only use designated landing fields.
3. Landing in crops is a serious matter!
4. Upon landing, do not leave gliders in the middle of the field, regardless of whether or not you think someone else is flying. Quickly move to an appropriate break-down area.
5. Make sure drivers do not block open road ways that may be needed by pilots to overshoot their approach.
6. Do not break down gliders on any road way.
7. At the Sawmill Field:
A. Do not park vehicles on the grass.
B. Do not leave gliders where they block the farmer’s access to his hay.
C. Alcoholic beverages are prohibited.
D. After flying, leave as soon as possible.
E. The last person to leave should put the flag away.
V. Responsibilities of all SMHGC members
1. To assist each other in complying with the Regulatory Program and to explain it to all new pilots.
2. Vote for Club Officers that have the experience, the willingness and the ability to work in the club’s interest.
3. Participate with the club’s Adopt-A-Highway efforts and encourage all pilots, visitors, and the public not to litter.
4. The SMHGC is the only hang gliding club authorized to access the mountain top properties of WXII and the MTYC. Members of the SMHGC are obligated to respect these properties and to oversee all hang gliding activities.
5. Be sure all pilots and drivers know how to use the gates.
A. Always close and lock the gates. If you find one open -- close and lock it.
B. Do not bypass any locks in the sequence.
C. Never leave the lock on the chain "not locked".
6. Positive PR at all times. Be polite and informative to every person you meet, remembering that we maintain our sites by the goodwill of others. An image of responsible professionals is important.
7. Camping is allowed at the Hall field.
8. Campfires are only allowed in designated fire pits at the Hall Field. Campfires are not allowed in the set up area on top of the mountain. Check with a club member for designated locations.
9. Only drive vehicles off the access road and parking area when absolutely necessary.
10. Each pilot should adhere to the USHGA’s "Recommended Operating Limitations" for their skill level.
11. Fly within your acknowledged capabilities and do not endanger property or lives.
VI. Violations of the Regulatory Program
1. It is not in the interest of the SMHGC to have to resort to disciplinary actions against a pilot. However, as stated in our BYLAWS, one of the primary purposes of the SMHGC is to preserve the flying activities at Sauratown Mountain. Therefore, it will be necessary to take appropriate actions when individuals threaten our livelihood.
2. Members are responsible for reporting violations to the BOD who will in turn act in accordance with article II, Section 2 of the SMHGC’s Bylaws.