1. Draw the course route on the sectional chart and circle all checkpoints.
2. List all checkpoints on a flight log with navaid and airport frequencies.
3. Use a plotter to measure the distance in nautical miles between each checkpoint and list each leg on the flight log.
4. Using a plotter, determine the TRUE COURSE (TC) between each checkpoint and list on the flight log. These will be used later to determine the MAGNETIC HEADING (MH).
5. Get a weather briefing and note the Winds Aloft at your intended altitude. Remember winds are given with reference to True North and the velocity in Knots. (If you are using miles per hour for airspeed and statute miles for distance you must convert the winds (MPH=1.15 x Knots).
6. Using your Pilot's Operating Handbook (POH), determine your TRUE AIRSPEED and fuel consumption Gallons Per Hour (GPH) at the intended altitude and power setting.
7. Using the winds aloft, TRUE COURSE (TC), and TRUE AIRSPEED solve the WIND CORRECTION ANGLE (WCA) and determine the TRUE HEADING (TH) and GROUND SPEED (GS) for each leg segment of the flight using an EB6 slide rule computer or calculator.
8. Use the MAGNETIC VARIATION (VAR) from the sectional chart to convert the TRUE HEADING (TH) to MAGNETIC HEADING (MH) and list it on the flight log for each checkpoint. Remember, "East is Least (-) and West is Best (+)". If you know your magnetic DEVEATION (DEV) from the aircraft's compass correction card make that correction to the Magnetic Heading. This will be the COMPASS HEADING (CH) used for each leg.
TC +or- WCA = TH +or- VAR = MH +or- DEV = CH
9. Using the Ground Speed and Distance determine the estimated time to be flown between each checkpoint and list these on the flight log. Total the time to fly each leg and determine how much fuel will be burned. Include the time to climb to and descend from altitude as well as startup and taxi. Remember carry reserve fuel. 30 minutes VFR day and 45 minutes night. PLAY IT SAFE WITH ONE HOUR RESERVE!
Example: 240 - 8 = 232 - 5 = 227 + 2 = 229
Example: 6 gph x 2 hours 30 minutes = 15 gals
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