Welcome to Courtney's Homepage
Last Update:1/30/2004
Well, two days before Super Bowl Sunday.  HELL YEAH!  It's been a couple of weeks into the spring semester at Montana State University. I'm taking 12 credits, and one course is snowboarding.  It's A LOT of fun! My other classes are going really well as well.  I'm a junior in electrical engineering here at MSU in Bozeman, Montana.  So far it's been cold and snowy.  I'm not really used to this weather compared to Alabama!  But, I've been up at Bridger Bowl snowboarding every week, and enjoying the outdoors. 
So far, I am still unemployed but I have a few very good prospects.  My newest endeavor is training to be in fitness competitions.  It's going to take a lot of work, but I'm willing to do it. 
I was initiated into the Alpha Gamma Delta sorority at the end of last semester as well.  I am the social and correspondence chair this year. 
Well, nothing really new to the site...so if ur a first timer, go and enjoy, for all you friends...sorry...give me some time and i'll have sorority pictures of naked pillow fights....YEAH RIGHT...PERVS....lol...later

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Yahoo: Night_Vixen_Chic

AIM: NightVixenChic

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