Beanie Babies
Beanies for Sale:
Batty the Bat-----$10
Beak the kiwi bird-----$11
Butch the terrier-----$9
Chip the cat-----$10
Early the robin (slightly damaged)-----$12
Fortune the panda-----$14
Gigi the poodle (2)-----$12
Gobbles the turkey-----$10
Halo the bear-----$20
Hissy the snake-----$10
Iggy the iguana-----$11
Jabber the parrot-----$12
Jake the mallard duck (2)-----$10
Kuku the cockatoo (2)-----$9
Loosy the goose-----$10
Mel the koala-----$10
Mystic the unicorn (w/ irredescant horn)-----$10
Nanook the husky-----$11
Peace the bear-----$16
Pouch the kangaroo-----$10
Pounce the cat-----$11
Prance the cat-----$11
Pugsly the pug-----$9
Rainbow the Chameleon (w/ Iggy tag)-----$11
Roam the buffalo-----$11
Rocket the bluejay-----$10
Sammy the bear-----$20
Smoochy the frog-----$11
Spunky the cocker spaniel-----$12
Stretch the ostrich-----$10
Strut the rooster-----$12
Tracker the basset hound (2)-----$12
Valentina the bear-----$20
Whisper the deer-----$12
1997 Teddy-----$38
1998 Teddy-----$45
Ally the alligator-----$32
Ants the anteater (2)-----$13
Baldy the eagle-----$16
Bernie the St. Bernard-----$12
Blackie the bear-----$15
Blizzard the tiger-----$17
Bones the dog-----$13
Bongo the monkey-----$18
Bruno the terrier-----$12
Bucky the beaver-----$28
Chocolate the moose-----$14
Claude the crab-----$14
Congo the gorilla-----$15
Crunch the shark-----$9
Cubbie the bear-----$23
Curly the bear-----$18
Daisy the cow (2)-----$10
Derby the horse-----$21
Doby the doberman (2 w/ no tags)-----$15
Doodle the rooster (slightly damaged)-----$30
Dotty the dalmation-----$16
Ears the rabbit-----$12
Echo the dolphin (w/ Waves tag)-----$15
Fetch the golden retriever-----$13
Fleece the lamb-----$13
Flip the white cat-----$28
Floppity the rabbit-----$16
Freckles the leopard-----$14
Glory the bear-----$29
Goldie the goldfish-----$35
Gracie the swan-----$11
Grunt the razorback pig-----$300
Happy the hippo-----$17
Hippity the rabbit-----$16
Hoot the owl-----$34
Hoppity the rabbit-----$18
Inch the worm-----$18
Inky the octopus-----$22
Jolly the walrus-----$13
Legs the frog-----$26
Lizzy the lizard-----$26
Lucky the ladybug-----$19
Magic the dragon-----$37
Mystic the unicorn (w/ tan horn)-----$30
Nip the cat-----$20
Nuts the squirrel-----$13
Patti the platypus-----$21
Peanut the elephant-----$16
Pinchers the lobster-----$15
Pinky the flamingo-----$15
Pumkin' the pumpkin-----$22
Puffer the puffin-----$10
Quackers the duck-----$20
Ringo the raccoon-----$13
Roary the lion-----$16
Scoop the pelican-----$14
Scottie the terrier-----$25
Seamore the seal-----$140
Seaweed the otter-----$25
Sly the fox-----$12
Snip the cat-----$14
Snort the bull-----$11
Snowball the snowman-----$35
Speedy the turtle (no tag)-----$35
Spike the rhinoceros (2, 1 w/ no tag)-----$13
Spinner the spider-----$10
Spooky the ghost-----$33
Spot the dog (w/ spot)-----$55
Squealer the pig-----$30
Stinger the scorpion-----$12
Stinky the skunk-----$13
Stripes the tiger (no tag)-----$17
Teddy (new-face)-----$85
Tuffy the terrier-----$17
Twigs the giraffe (no tag)-----$19
Velvet the panther-----$30
Waddle the penguin-----$16
Waves the whale-----$17
Weenie the dog-----$20
Wise the owl-----$20
Wrinkles the dog-----$12
Zero the penguin-----$20
Ziggy the zebra (no tag)-----$13
Zip the cat-----$45