My wife Trudie and I recently went on a short vacation to Cabo San Lucas.We had a great time! We stayed at the Villa Del Palmar,an expensive but very nice hotel.We had a beautiful view of the bay and lands end.
The second day we took a panga to Lovers Beach.It is a small beach out on lands end.One end of the beach is the Sea of Cortez.
There is some pretty good snorkeling on the bay side, lots of colorful fish! Such as this Cortez Angelfish.
The next day I went diving in the bay with Amigos Del Mar.The first dive was at a location known as "Middle Wall".We went fairly deep (105 ft.)The second dive started near the tip of lands end.We were greeted by some playful sealions.We were then carried around the tip by a strong current and ended up in the Pacific side. I really enjoyed the diving and will return when I get the chance! Here are some picsI took while on these dives.
The final day ,before we flew back home,we went marlin fishing.The water was "Rougher than a cobb",but we still managed to have fun! Here are some pics showing the results of our adventure.
Overall it was a great trip and recommend Cabo to
anyone who would like an adventurious gettaway!