Mike Goldlist
Jamie Litvak
Ryan “Brian Danay” (???)
Josh Gottlieb
Pat Thetic ~ Drummer
OTC: Where does the name Anti-Flag come from?
Pat: The name Anti-Flag came from, uh..., back when we were young,there were a lot of bands that were talking about America being part of the punkrock community and it was more of a weird pride America thing and we didn't want to get involved in that, so, it was sort of a comment against nationalism being part of the punkrock community.
OTC: Influences?
Pat: My influences personally are; Youth Brigade, Billy Bragg, The Clash, um, local bands from Pittsburgh called uh, Sub Machine and The Bad Jeans and uh, some really great bands from Pittsburgh.
OTC: Have you ever dreamed of being a porn star?
Pat: No, I've never dreamt of being a porn star, and actually there's a funny quote about uh, porn that uh, I don't know. I saw it on T.V. or something like that. This comedian or something like that, it was; ‘Porn: Things that will never happen to you with people you will never meet.’ And I think that that's a very good explanation of what porn is."
OTC: Around how old are all the guys in the band?
Pat: We're all nineteen. Yeah. 2's eighteen, he's younger.
OTC: How long has the band been together?
Pat: The bands been to, Justin and I have been together for about, 28 million years, um, but the band as we know it has been around for about six years.
OTC: You have your own record label?
Pat: We have our own record label, yeah, um.
OTC: How did that start?
Pat: It started because, actually it started because we got screwed over on a record deal and we wanted to re-release it cause a lot of kids were asking for it. And then we learned what we were doing and we saw some friends of ours who really needed to get their message out and we were lucky enough to be a part of that with them. Our bands are Regan Squad and The Unseen are amazing bands on tour, that we're working with.
OTC: Is there any specific equipment you use, like companies?
Pat: You mean actual manufacturers of musical equipment?
OTC: That you play with or endorse you?
Pat: No! We're not endorsed by anybody. Um, we uh, I like Vader sticks but the only reason why I like Vader sticks is because they used to be really cheap and now their price just keeps going up and it just fucks me over so uh, that's the only product endorsement or lack of product endorsement I can give you guys.
OTC: Are you guys straightedge or what's you opinion on that?
Pat: We're all straightedge and our opinion on it is that it seems to be the best way to live our lives and everybody else has got to do what they want to do.
OTC: What's you're definition of straightedge?
Pat: Straightedge to me means being aware of what you're taking into your body and we don't do drugs, we don't drink, we're not into the whole no masturbation, no sex shit, ya know. We're big fans of sex and masturbation as long as they're with consenting partners or yourself so, ya know, whatever makes you happy. I'm not here to be your god.
OTC: Do you have any pets?
Pat: I don't have any pets and it's interesting that I would like to have a pet, but we travel a lot so if you have a pet it's sorta like having to have to have somebody always take care of it for you and that's not fair to do to the pet or the other people.
OTC: So since you guys are all nineteen, are you in school?
Pat: Uh...no. We're not really nineteen we've been nineteen for about eight years now.
OTC: Good job!
Pat: Now it's starting to click for ya.
OTC: Are there any bands that you've really, really enjoyed playing with?
Pat: Good Riddance is fucking amazing, they're right on there with uh, they believe the same things that we're into and they're really great guys. Sick Of It All has been really nice to us too and it's only the third or fourth show we've done, second or third show we've done with them. So they've been great also. The U.K. Subs, we've toured with them, good guys, most of them. And uh, The Unseen. We tour with them and they're really cool too. We love them.
OTC: Is there anything else you'd like to tell our readers from ON THE CAN or any advice for anybody? Words of wisdom?
Pat: Advice for anybody. Start a band and keep playing.
OTC: You want to record your address?
Pat: Yeah. Let me give you uh, we have a couple of ways of getting in touch with us. One is our website which is http://www.anti-flag.com and that's our website and hopefully it will be updated regularly. You can also get in touch with us at:
OTC: Thank you.
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