
You have reached the internet address of Rontonio Thurman -Television Personality. Please make yourself at home. This site is designed for prospective employers, fans, friends, family, and curiosity seekers. You have probably seen me on television and in small roles on the big screen. I have also hosted community events across the nation. I am still trying to make my mark in the world. Please come along for the ride!

Thank you to all of the communities that have welcomed me! I believe in a strong community presence wherever I live or visit. You would be amazed how much one guy can travel! I hope to add more pictures over the next few weeks. If you have questions or comments, feel free to contact me.

Potential Employers

I can forward a copy of my resume and mail a VHS, Beta, or Mini-DV of my Demo Reel upon request . Please provide a full mailing address to avoid delay.

Check out a sample of my televison Demo Reel, provided by Los Angeles Reporter's Clinic . Special thanks to Jay Jackson of KCAL 9. Click on the headshot below.

Courtesy of LARC-30 sec
Photo/Video Courtesy of LARC 2005



* Does not include stories or topics covered as an objective journalist.

Copyright © 2004-2005, RT Great Enterprises, All Rights Reserved.