Publicerad av Patrik Arvhult 981106 updaterad 060118

Andra sidor / Other pages

<BGSOUND SRC="valkyrie.mid" LOOP=1>
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Riverbiker says:

Hey, welcome to The true maniac's favorite site!


Riverbiking is a wonderful sport for those who are drawn to the challenges of nature. Riverbiking is at itīs best as you and your vehicle get stuck in a bunch of stones in the middle of a waterfall. I began riverbiking last summer and it caught me immedialety. I prefer rivers with a plenty of stones and some falls. Next summer itīs time for a lot of 200m upstream tempo practice.

The renowned maniac Patrik in action - "Hell on wheels, just do it!

Picture: Patrik in action

Primary mail is arvhult?musiker?nu