Copyright and patents are to protect artists and inventors intellectual property to insure proper compensation for use. However I believe these two ideals have gone to far in the U.S. Society.
A patent is supposed to be issued on an "invention" that is obvious and unique. However patents on the hyperlink (issued to B.T.) are upsurd. The entire process needs to be overhalled. How to do this I don't know I have yet to come with a solution but when everytime you turn around some company is suing another of patent infringment of technologies so obvious a 3 year old could have pointed it along with everyone else I find it hard to believe it is unique.
Copyrights in the anlog world or paper world have the ability to be transfered from one individual to another. However, in the digital world this is ability is becoming blurred. The Music, Motion Picture and Publishing industries have the right to make money (hey I am a Capitalist) but where their rights end and my rights begin. When I buy a piece of music am I just lisensing the music or is it mine?