ERiCs Amazing Page of DEad Clowns


Dr. Suess rules!!!!!!!

go check them out!!! http://www.reelbigfish.com or click on the fun little picture below

this is my old page. . . .go there if ya want . . .

this guys site is pretty cool....i borrowed this from him so just go check it out....

JUst in case you havent noticed...RBF is my favorite band theyre touring right now and i really wanna go....i would if it werent for a stupid trip to a football game in San antonio.....MR. BRYant!!!

anyway...if you wanna go its gonna be at the aerial theatre on Aug. 28th theyre touring with blondie...one of theyre best cds is probably "turn the radio off" go get it you wont be disappointed...i didnt think "why do they rock so hard?" was that good but after listening to it a couple times it grows on ya....its pretty damn good.....oh hey this little applet is pretty fun...go ahead you know you wanna play...but whatever you do....dont be like this guy...jeez!


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