Hi there and Welcome to my BMX Page... It is currently under major construction so beware of where you tread...! You might get lost... Or get no where for that matter...

Inside this page hopefully you will find pictures of different riders that I currently know and/or race with...I am no good at racing bicycles or riding, but I am learning how... I'm mainly out there for support of my best friend... And you definately won't see me doing any of these tricks like they do over the jumps... I'm lucky to stay on the bike much less jump the step-ups, or triples on the track.. *Laughs* But please do enjoy yourself... I'm going to try and get video clips of these guys racing and playing on the jumps, so stay tuned for updated stuff...

This is my '98 Specialized Fatboy 20" bicycles... I now am also riding a 98' Specialized Fatboy 24" Cruiser... Currently I have Polished out the Aluminum frame... As far as special parts on the bike, currently it is basically stock, But it does have Odessy Black Widow 3-Piece Cranks, and Diamond Back Sealed hubs with Wineman Rims... By the way my favorite color is purple, so I'm trying to get all purple parts on my bike, or as many as I can... As far as souping it up, I'm fixing to put aluminum Redline handlebars, with clear grips, and a purple break lever on it... I'm also going to be adding silver Hanebrink forks, FSA 3-Piece Cranks, with purple parts on it, grey Tangent Pad Wraps, purple breaks, an FSA Orbit headset, Atomic Stem... I'm still debating on what I'm going to build for wheels, Possibly Chris King or Atomic Hubs, rainbow titanium spokes, Purple splange nipples, and am still debating on the rims... It'll look great once I get done with it... :Þ

Inside this page you will find pictures of Friends that ride 20" and 24" BMX bikes. I hope that you find what you are looking for... By the way, be sure and take a look at the Links Page, I've gone looking around the net, trying to find as many links as I can find to BMX bike, parts, and etc. pages...

This is Billy showing Steve some "new" tricks

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More Pictures of Steve
More Pictures of Billy
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Here are a bunch of BMX links that I gathered up

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E-mail at cruiser_422@hotmail.com