HEY!!! Since you're here; leave your mark on the web's greatest smiley face page of all time and ask Mr. Yuck a question!!! I promise he'll be nice... otherwise this page will be in a state of suspended animation for a while. I've moved on to bigger and better things. So if you wanna see my brilliant new project, go to: Voodoo Child's Internet Experience

We found and old advertisement for a concert we called "Smileystock"

A new face has arrived in the Domain Of Doom. His name: "EVIL SMILEY"
He hosts our new Public Service Announcement section.


© 1998, 1999 Jake Cooper

This means if you steal smiley for your own, you'll have to answer to Smiley's blood-thirsty group of bounty hunters.

Send mail to Smiley

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