In the Beginning

This story is about the beginner. If you are a first time owner of a jetski, you may be familiar with this story. It's about riding your jetski for the first time. You spent a lot of time and money deciding which one you wanted. There are so many to choose from. Polaris, SeaDoo, Yamaha. And then of course there's the speed. You have 650, 780, 1050, 1100. Well finally you choose one, you stay reasonable and choose the Polaris 650SL.  You take it home and voila - your first  jetski. You've never driven one before and are really excited about trying it out. You're a little nervous because you've heard stories about how extreme some machines can be. You've also heard that the steering can be tricky as well. Oh well, here goes...

You jump on your ski, place your wrist band on and push the start button. It starts no problem. You give it some gas and away you go. You start off slow at first, getting the feel for it. You look back and check out the "rooster tail" of water whirling up behind you. you think to yourself. You start to become more brave. You give it more gas and bang! - your off. At a such a high speed, you think your cruising pretty good. You decide to turn, however you forget about what people told you about the steering being tricky and pretty sensitive. As you turn you don't realize that you should ease off the gas a bit. Before you have time to realize it, your whirling around doing a loop-T-loop. Water is everywhere and all you see is the water crashing before you. Your machine is up-side-down and you're in the water. Luckily for you you put the wrist band on before you left and the kill switch got hanked out and turned itself off. "Wow" you think to yourself. What an extreme ride!!!...

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