6.2 |
Hexadecimal Numbers |
6.2.1 |
Hexadecimal numbers as MAC addresses |
6.2 |
Hexadecimal Numbers |
6.2.2 |
Basic hexadecimal (hex) numbering |
6.2 |
Hexadecimal Numbers |
6.2.3 |
Converting decimal numbers to hexadecimal numbers |
6.2 |
Hexadecimal Numbers |
6.2.4 |
Converting hexadecimal numbers to decimal numbers |
6.2 |
Hexadecimal Numbers |
6.2.5 |
Methods for working with hexadecimal and binary numbers |
Converting binary to
hexadecimal and hexadecimal to binary is an easy conversion. The reason is
that base16(hexadecimal) is a power of base 2(binary). Every four binary
digits (bits) are equal to one hexadecimal digit. The conversion looks like
So if we have a binary
number that looks like 01011011, we break it into two groups of four bits.
These look like this: 0101 and 1011. When you convert these two groups to
hex, they look like 5 and B. So converting 01011011 to hex is 5B. To convert
hex to binary do the opposite. Convert hex AC to binary. First convert hex A
which is 1010 binary and then convert hex C which is 1100 binary. So the
conversion is hex AC is 10101100 binary.
As stated before hex
works in exactly the opposite way. For every one hex digit, you convert it to
four binary digits (bits). For example:
That is the conversion
for binary to hexadecimal and from hexadecimal to binary. |