Welcome to the CHGA. We're glad you found us!

Hang gliding is the best kept secret in the world of outdoor activities. It is a beautiful combination of athletic sport, nature and science. Also it is much safer than you think. Have you have had dreams of flight? If the concept of having your own personal wing, on which you can fly for hours without a motor, appeals to you then contact one of the schools about where you can learn to fly hang gliders or paragliders and join us in the air, because...
You Can Do This... YOU CAN FLY !

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CHGA's primary site, Talcott Mountain and the famous Heublein Tower
click picture for full size image

Click the Cool Stuff button below to see a Motorized Glider Cart

Erika and Donna present... Wallaby Trip 2008


Click here for old CHGA newsletters.

Summer 2005 XC pictures

The best weather links
Learn to FLY!
Amateur Radio list
Aircraft into Icecraft
Wallaby 2008 Photos
All About GPS
Remote Thermal Detection Research

.Web Design by Dan Blasi