Here are some various organizations within the martial arts world, in random order.
We are no longer exchanging links as this page is not regularly updated.
The Realistic Martial Arts Training Association-  The SIUC Martial Arts Club is a chartered school in the RMATA.

**Gokor Chivichyan- He teaches in Los Angeles but is available to do seminars anywhere in the world.  Deffinetly one of the greatest grapplers this planet has ever seen.

**Gene Lebell- The toughest man alive!!

**Erik Paulson- Los Angeles; Teaching at the Inosanto Acadamy, Eric is Shooto's world light heavyweight champion.  He has alot to offer anyone, regardless of their skill level.

**Machado Ju Jitsu- Los Angeles CA; the Machado brothers are some of the best Brazilian Ju Jitsu stylists there are. 

**Gracie Ju Jitsu- The official Gracie Ju Jitsu website.

Rickson Gracie- The official Rickson Gracie website.

Larry Hartsell- Los Angeles CA; One of Bruce Lee's original students, Sifu Hartsell is a pioneer in the martial arts world.

Dion Ricardo- Chicago IL;  Dion runs a first class school and is a man of the highest moral calibar.

GMAP Fights- Springfield IL;  An amateur fighting organization that builds great experience for tomorrow's fighting champions.

Bison Grappling- Minneapolis MN; A hard core grappling club with a lot to offer, and alot of information on their website.

grapplergear- A martial arts store that has agreed to give members of the S.I.U. Martial Arts Club 10% off of any item.

Martial Arts store- Just another online martial arts store.

JKD Central- A website with a wealth of information on JKD and related subjects.

Pro Gym- Moro IL;  A Kajukenbo school Run by Mike Griffin.

Sakura Martial Arts Supply- Shopping, Warrior cards, auctions, links, and more.

Extreme Sports Live- Muai Thai, Tae Kwon Do, events, news, and much more.

Carlson Gracie Jr Jiu-Jitsu team- Chicago IL site

Tigre Martial Arts- A martial arts program in Echo Park, CA designed to give kids a better alternative than drugs and gangs.  Run by Alex Coudrey.

B.A.D. Company- A Martial arts program in Los Angeles, CA designed to teach the smaller person to defend themself.  Run by Richard Kwon.

Aaron Karels personal website- A martial artist from Eurpope with lots of good links plus much more on his page. I love this website!!  So much information and many of the world's top martial artist's comunicating on a forum.  Check it out!  The website of a big fan of martial arts with lots of good info.

Steve Crawford's American Jiu-Jitsu- A successful Martial Arts school in Kansas City.