Chris and Michelle's Wedding
Weekend Update
Hi Everyone! Welcome to our wedding page. Since you all mean the world to us, we wanted to include you in the celebration of our wedding, from start to finish!

First things first. Our wedding day will be
Saturday, October 16, 2004, on the island of Maui, at sunset (around 5pm), at the Wailea Gold Golf Club in South Maui.

Since we want everyone we know and love to come celebrate the happy occasion with us,  but not everyone may be able to make it to the wedding,  we'll be having our reception here in California, at  The  Tustin Ranch Golf Club in Tustin on
Saturday, October 30, at around 11am!

Wear comfortable shoes, because I'm going to want to dance with everybody! Aunties, Uncles, cousins, brothers, sisters, babies, grandma, grandpa, friends, everyone! If you don't like to dance, I'll lead! No one is safe! Oh, the humanity!!!
Pleasant Hawaiian Holidays
Updated May 20, 2004
Wedding Channel
Hi Guys! Well, it's only 5 MONTHS until the wedding-- Wow! Can you believe it? I can't wait! Well, since it's getting closer, I'll be updating the travel section more often, with good deals that I find! The best deal recently came from Auntie Deela! She told me that right now, Hawaiian Airlines has roundtrip tickets to Maui for around $400.00, including taxes and fees! Other great resources, are
Gift Registry
Travel Info
The Knot
Pleasant Holidays Deals of the Week! Click Aqui!
Our List So Far!

1)My mom
2)My dad
10)Chris' dad, Daniel Cevallos
11)Chris' mom, Alba Cevallos
12)Chris' sister, also Alba Cevallos
13)Alba's fiancee, Joey
14)Chris' brother, Eddie Cevallos
15)Chris' brother's wife, Sheila Cevallos
16)Chris' friend Luis
17)Luis' girlfriend
18)Auntie Dela
19)Uncle Nick
Email us!