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  Hi and welcome to Ragin' Redskins, the Redskins site that prides itself on uniqueness. What should you expect here? Tributes to players and loads of multimedia are what we are mainly about. If you'd like news, go over to "From the Bleachers", which is the best message board for circulating news about the Skins as well as rumors and insight. Rosters and other such things can be found at places like or other personal Redskins websites. This website is here to give you all something different- for better or worse. Please let me know how you feel about my unique approach to this Skins site by signing my guestbook. Thanks!


July 18th- I just got the site up. The only sections functioning currently are the Dexter Manley section and the Interaction page and both are incomplete. Please come back for future updates.

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