<BGSOUND SRC="atlast.wav">

S    I    T    H

4   W A Y   S K Y D I V I N G   T E A M

This page contains animated gifs, midi's, wav's and mpeg's.   My display settings are 800 by 600.   I used Geocities pagebuilder to create this site.   I view it using Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0   I'm new to this and would welcome any comments or suggestions.   If you see an error on a page within this site please email me on the link below.   Beware, these pages may take a while to load depending on your system.   I will try to give credit for photos, logos and animations I have used.   If you find something that is yours and you would like credit or have it removed please contact me.   All removal requests will be honoured.   This site is a means for the SITH Skydiving Team to express themselves online.   Views expressed here are not representative of Skydiving as a whole.   This is a personal webspace and is not intended as a source of information regarding the sport of skydiving.   If your intentions are to look around and have a laugh or two.   Click on the Star Destroyer and complete your journey to The Darkside......

Give in to your anger!!
Email the Webmaster

Comments?  Suggestions?  I don't really care, but you can send them here   > > >