The "T" Spot
Photo copyright Ellison photography
Tara's High School Photo Album
The latest news:
-October 23- Back in good on was a three day long blur !
-October 11-You can find me in da' club...get off the ground, Annie!
-September 4- Back to school, back to school, I made cookies, ain't that cool?
-August 8- Got my second job ever as a hostess (aka, piece o' sweet ass eye candy for dirty old rich guys) at the Chicago Chop House!
-August 3- Moved into my apartment in Chicago...Su-weet!

*Check back next week for new photos*

You are the
Tara's College Friends
Trojan Volleyball
Only 12 days until I'm back in C'ville...HeeHaw!
About Tara
Tara's Best Friend, Annie
Tara's Family
to hit The "T" Spot
Tara's Links
Click the planet to see the stupidest thing I've found in South Dakota.  It's outta this world!!!