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FROM E A S T E R 2006 !

Danny woke everyone up at 6:00 AM!

Danny gives TT her basket, Easter 2006
Here he is giving Theresa her basket.

Come On Mary - (just waking up)
See What the Easter Bunny Brought Us!
Mary Easter 2006

Danny — very pleased with his Easter Basket — 2006

Theresa and Mary with their Easter Baskets

Here's we are, Easter Morning!
Danny and Theresa Easter 2006

Mary and Danny Easter 2006

Here's some pictures of Theresa's first Easter!

I guess Theresa like Easter too!

Theresa's not too sure about this green bunny.

Here's Daddy holding Theresa in her Easter dress
We were at Grandma and Nonnie's house.

Mary found the Easter Basket that the Easter Bunny
left for her at Grandma and Nonnie's house.

Mama helps Danny find the goodies from the Easter Bunny
at Grandma and Nonnie's house.

Thanks for visiting and we hope you liked the Easter pictures.

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