Poetry by Jessica Bozek
Packing my suitcase, an easy task,
Having arrived less than a month ago.
My knapsack is still crowded,
From unworn clothing and other items.

From town to town and city to city we jump,
Playing leap-frog with our lives.
Like birds we migrate south for winter, and
Return for the blooming of flowers up north.

Tall cities, flat countries,
Cemetary backyards. Where my brother
And I would play hide-n-seek,
Till the spirits came out to dance.

Mississippi boys stealing first kisses
At Marshal rock. Knowing the next day,
I will be lost out on a sea of highway.
Suitcases buried in the vast trunk.

Childhood memories ripped away,
By the hands of time. Emotional baggage
Left at each temporary home.
My life must move on.

Jessica M. Bozek
copyright c2002
Jessica M. Bozek
More Poetry click below
Wakiki Sunset 

Red Lipstick
Bookcase of Fear
Puddle Stomp
Bleek Boulvards
By jessica Bozek

Bleek Boulavards,
Bitter Businessman.
Beggers Babble Bothering Blondes,
Bystanders Blindly Bypass

Copyright c2000
Jessica M. Bozek

One Tear
by jessica bozek

Maybe you don't care,
Because you are not here.
I shed one tear.

Copyright c2001
Jessica M. Bozek

Thank You
by jessica bozek

Withe every touch,
and every word spoken.
My body goes numb,
My bones feel broken.

With every long gaze,
and smile that you give.
My heart wants to sing,
and I want to live.

You are my reality,
you are my dream.
You make me want to moan,
You make me want to scream.

Thank You!

Copyright c2001
Jessica M. Bozek

All Alone
by jessica bozek

In the light of the day,
or the dark of the hour.
Under our tree I lay,
Now as tall as a tower.

You left me too soon,
I wish you could see it's spledor.
Under the light of the moon,
Your touch so tender.

We laughed, we cried,
we yelled, we screamed.
That last night you died,
So surreal I thought I dreamed.

Now I am here all alone,
I come to say, "Hi."
When I visit your stone,
But today I must say, "Good-bye."

My life must go on,
without you a part.
You are dead and gone,
and so is my heart.

Copyright c2001 Jessica M. Bozek

So Much to Say
by jessica M. Bozek

Too tired to sleep,
I tried counting sheep.
But you are in my head,
I must go to bed.

The light are all off,
the noise is silent.
Your image appears,
and I have no fears.

When it's a new day,
I will have so much to say.
But when you come around,
I won't make a sound.

If only you knew,
what it is you do.
But you don't care,
and I continue to stare.

Copyright c2001
Jessica M. Bozek

Jessica Haiku
by jessica bozek

the trees are blowing,
a storm raging inside me,
all will soon be calm.

Copyright c2002
Jessica M. Bozek

Fiery Sun
by jessica bozek

The fiery sun is bright red
like a cigerette burning a paper sky.

Copyright c2002
Jessica M. Bozek

MY Thoughts
by jessica bozek

My thoughts are heavy,
they fall to the floor
and break.

Copyright c2003
Jessica M. Bozek