* Clothing * (Depending on the Weather and Activity)
- Boots
- Sneakers
- Hiking Boots
- Jacket or sweatshirt
- Socks
- Undershorts
- Shorts
- Swimsuit
- Pants
- T-Shirt, including troop T-Shirt
- Long Sleeve Shirts
- Poncho/Raincoat
- Pajamas
* Miscellaneous *
- Pen, Pencil, Notebook
- Scout Book
- Pen Knife
- Compass
- Bandana
- Back Pack
- Eating Utensiles
- Plate
- Ziplock Bags
* Personal Gear *
- Flashlight
- Towel
- Sleeping Bag
- Foam Pad / Pillow
- Insect Repellant
- Sun Tan Lotion
- Duffle Bag
- Toothbrush, Soap, Comb
- Personal First Aid Kit
- Camera
- Canteen/Water Bottle
- Sunglasses
- Wristwatch