Table of Contents



                               Section:                                                    Page:


1.        Executive Summary                                             3                             


2.        Corporate Vision                                                10


3.        Company Overview                                            13


4.        Strategy                                                              16


5.        Market Analysis                                                  21

6.   Marketing Plan                                                    23


7.      Financial Data                                                      31


8.      Resumes                                                             


9.      Website                                                              


10.  Graphic Examples                                               


11.  Supporting Literature                                          














Property of Inertia Clothing Company





           “Creating clothing, and accessories for Beach Culture lifestyles and

Action Sports enthusiasts.”


(Action Sports: surfing, skateboarding, snowboarding, in-line skating, wake-boarding, and skiing)


Inertia clothing company’s mission is to be the preferred brand name of clothing, and accessories, for boys, and men ages 14 to 21, worldwide by the year 2005. Our company will achieve this by creating, developing and distributing comfortable, durable, innovative clothing, swimwear and accessories. “By purchasing and wearing Inertia Clothing Company products, individuals will be associated with our brands’ perpetually positive image, active lifestyle and innovative fashions.  We will hereby improve the customers’ persona.”


Our commitment to creating quality innovative clothing and accessories, promoted by our aggressive marketing and advertising will be unique in the Action Sports Apparel Industry, and create a demand for products bearing the Inertia brand name.


Inertia clothing company will create and maintain a work environment in which recognition of positive values and the personal growth of our employees will not be overcome by financial objectives. We will establish a superior work experience for all employees in order to enhance the quality of their lives, which leads to superior job performance, increased productivity and superior customer service.


The combination of producing and distributing products that improve our customer’s lives within a business that promotes a “Perpetually Positive” environment, and improves our lives, can lead to success.




Mr. Nathan Paul Horner founded Inertia Clothing Company in 1990.


The company is currently a sole proprietorship based in San Diego, California. When Incorporated, Nathan Horner and Investors will be main share holders, employees will also have shares in the company.


California State Board of Equalization                                                                                                                   Seller’s Permit account number:  2/22/1999  SR   FH   97502518

Located at (home office):   




Inertia clothing company                             Phone: (home office) (619)-237-6082                    

428 C Street, Suite 409                                       San Diego, CA  92101                                 Internet:


           Mailing Address:  P.O. Box 562 La Jolla, CA. 92038-0562


Inertia clothing company is currently designing, manufacturing and distributing hats, T-shirts, and stickers to retail sales outlets and customers over the Internet. Our future product line is currently in development.


The Company has established a preliminary web site at for a general introduction of our products, present and projected, and information about Inertia Clothing Company, our history and vision statement.




The Inertia Clothing Company staff consists of a unique, team-oriented group of innovative trend setting individuals. We are highly motivated, up to the challenge of using creativity, and business-leadership skills to plan, develop, and implement a competitive product line and marketing strategy. Gifted with ‘social’ intelligence, manners, talent, and good looks, we are the youthful Southern California lifestyle ---    ‘Forging the fashions’ of the new millennium.


Internal Management


·        Nathan Horner, Founder / Creative Director / President

·         Samantha Dill, Promotions Director

·        David Hopper, Surf Team Manager


Required Management


·        Chief Financial Officer

·        Marketing and Sales Director

·        Team Managers

·        Web Master

·        Sales Representatives

Required Management Support


·        Accountant and Financial Advisor

·        Corporate Attorney

·        Patent and Trademark Attorney

·        Shipping and Customs Consultant

·        Fashion design Consultant

·        Secretary



Current Products


The introductory products for Inertia (Brand) clothing are Flowered cotton bucket hats, Wide brimmed bucket hats, White terry clothe bucket hats, and Black Flex Fit baseball caps, all hats bearing the embroidered Inertia logo. One T-shirt with graphic, logo, and web address is also available.  We also offer two stickers: (1) the Inertia logo (2) a display of our motto, “Perpetually Positive,” our web address, and logo.


 Sales of our initial products, and interest in our growth and future products have been overwhelming from retailers and on line buyers.


Inertia clothing enjoys patent and trademark protection by virtue of propriety rights afforded by intellectual properties held by the founder of the Company, Nathan Paul Horner.




Inertia Clothing Company has achieved a significant preliminary presence in the Action Sports Market by successfully introducing an intelligent, practical brand -“Inertia.”  Inertia, defined as the Law of Motion or Perpetual Motion, is the tendency of a body in motion to stay in motion.  We will introduce unique, innovative, functional clothing and accessories into previously non-penetrated market segments via our Internet web site.


The concept of our company and its product line were originally conceived for boys and men ages 14 to 21. Specifically, “Generation X and Y”--- free spirited, surfing, skating and snowboarding enthusiasts who wear contemporary “Beach Culture” fashions. These fashions increase the enjoyment of wearing clothes and enhance the style of those who enjoy an active lifestyle. Inertia clothing products have been widely embraced in Beach Communities, and with Action Sports enthusiast’s world wide, via the Internet. All products are strategically priced to establish incentive for buyers/customers, creating an additional margin opportunity for Inertia clothing.




Although designed originally for the Action Sports Enthusiast, many additional market segments possess equal or greater applicability and volume potential.


The major market segments (in no particular order) are:


·        Action Sports and Beach Culture catalogs/magazines

·        Surf Shops

·        Ski, Snowboarding and Skateboarding facilities

·        Internet direct-to-consumer sales

·        Boys to men ages 14 to 21

·        Boutiques and Retail stores

·        Mass merchandisers

·        International clothing distributors




Reef, Quicksilver, Tommy Hilfiger, Billabong, Rusty, Volcom, SMP, SRH, Lost, Planet Earth, FILA



Patent and trademark protection, in conjunction with a moderate pricing strategy, create significant barriers to entry. These barriers should serve to dissuade and inhibit competitors from pursuing this market niche for three to four years. However, Inertia clothing company must expect competition --- legal or illegal --- and must be prepared to prevail in a competitive marketplace.


Current economic conditions are excellent in the United States of America. If this positive trend is disrupted there is a risk that it will affect Inertia Clothing Company.


Fabrics and labor costs may vary due to the global market.  Margins will be sustained/improved through aggressive unit cost management as more profitable avenues of production are discovered and implemented.




Inertia Clothing Company’s marketing strategy is to propose, promote and support the fact that Inertia offers the Action Sports enthusiast clothing and accessories that will make the consumer feel positive, and full of California energy “STOKED”. We will sponsor athletes, models, musicians and DJ’s as they are our markets mentors. By advertising and producing events we will create a unique brand image that will draw in our target market. We aim to market to not only the core surfing, skateboarding, snowboarding markets, those who are active participants in the sports, but also those who support Action Sports and beach-lifestyles and may not be participants in board-sports but are influenced by the sports and the lifestyle they represent.


Inertia Clothing Company’s market research indicates a requirement to promote both the Company brand recognition and product awareness. We must clearly establish an image of the company as an innovative and professional supplier of functional, well constructed and durable products at competitive price points.




Inertia Clothing Company will conduct a dynamic marketing campaign integrating multi-media advertising with multi-channel distribution. This will be accomplished through the following resources:

·        Integrated direct marketing on the Internet (

·         National ad campaigns in magazines and internet sites such as --- Surfer, Surfing, Transworld Surf, Transworld Snowboarding,Blue Torch, Transworld Skateboarding, Heckler, Warp, In Style, Details, Eastern Surf, Revolt in Style, The Hut.Com, Etc.

·        National and regional Action Sports specialty catalog distributors

·        National and international wholesale distributors

·        Sales and marketing representatives

·        Independent manufacturer sales representatives


A point of sale video will be produced to standardize sales representatives. This video will be further utilized to introduce and educate international distributors, media and trade members of the unique features and benefits of all company products.


A multi-media campaign will be utilized in the U.S. during peak consumer spending periods in the spring, summer and winter-holiday seasons. A national advertising campaign in prominent, nationally distributed newspapers and consumer magazines will provide additional pull-through for both retail sales and direct response marketing.




Current customers include these San Diego, California retailers:


·        Atomic Trading Company

·        Ocean Beach Surf Shop

·        Aquarius Surf-n-Skate Shops

·        Pacific Drive Surf-n-Skate Shops

·        Swoozy’s Boutique

·        Chameleon Hair Lounge/Boutique




Our advertising and promotional strategy is everything we do. Our brand and brand image is more than just a logo on the products we sell. The advertising, promotions, events, hang tags, sponsorships, distribution are all efforts that build/position our brand name in the mind of our target market. We have planned a nationwide multi-media campaign to increase product presence and brand identity recognition among all potential customers.


Inertia Clothing Company will be spending approximately 15-20% of sales revenue on promotions and marketing for the remainder of the year (year of ?).  As we continue to grow, we will increase our spending on advertising to 20-25%.




Public Relations


During (year of ?), Inertia Clothing Company will continue to focus on the following business strategies:


·        Obtain maximum exposure through consumer and trade magazines;

·        Actively pursue editorial advisement and product review as well as education of Action Sports Enthusiast as to the advantages of our products;

·        Prepare and distribute a human-interest article on Inertia Clothing Company’s founder.

·        Secure positioning as an exhibitor at the ASR trade shows in Orlando, Florida, Long Beach and San Diego, California, Atlantic City, New Jersey, and Las Vegas, Nevada.


We foresee that at least 50% of total sales will be generated by direct promotions and advertising.   An additional 20% increase will be due to sales through our other channels.


These market segments, of today’s marketplace and Inertia Clothing Company represent a rare once-in –a-lifetime opportunity to participate at the “ground floor” level in the introduction and development of an exciting and significant new player in the Action Sports apparel and accessory industry.


Financial Plan


Capital Requirements


According to the opportunities and requirements for Inertia Clothing Company described herein, and based on what we feel as sound business assumptions, initial capital requirements are $4,000,000.  This amount will provide adequate capital for initial operating costs for the first 2 years, market testing /analysis, product-line expansion and execution of a comprehensive marketing and advertising campaign, and maintenance of a market-penetrating Internet site.  Utilization of this initial capital will provide a lucrative return for the initial investor and will establish Inertia Clothing Company as a viable, profitable business enterprise.


To achieve our goals we have developed a comprehensive plan to broaden and accelerate our current marketing and sales activities, product development, production, distribution and customer service capabilities.


The sale of Inertia Clothing Company stock will enable the company to satisfy capitalization requirements.





Financial Highlights:


Projections:               Year 1      Year 2           Year 3              Year 4              Year 5

                                (year of ?   )

Total Sales            $800,000      $2,400,000    $6,000,000      $15,000,000       $45,000,000


Gross Profit Margin   40%                   45%             48%                48%                    48%


Net Profit Margin         3.9%               10%             16%                17%                   17%


Net Income*             $12,480         $108,000      $460,800        $1,224,000       $3,672,000

    *Before Taxes         


Payback/Exit Strategy


These financial projections indicate that initial investment is achievable within 5-7 years.  Recapture will occur by means of preferential dividend distribution and execution of provisional redemption options established upon issuance of Preferred Stock.  At the option of the investor(s), Preferred Stock may be converted into Common Stock, providing for greater investor profit participation and “roll over” of capital for further growth enhancement and appreciation of stock value.


Additionally, an Initial Public Stock Offering (IPO) may be initiated year one on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and on the Internet (e-trade).  This will offer an additional recapture/exit opportunity and/or increase profit participation based upon exercise of redemption /conversion options available pursuant to the IPO.




Inertia Clothing Company is a young, innovative company with an endless pool of creative ideas.  Our management team is committed, talented, and aggressive.  With a strong economy, and thriving Action Sports Industry, this is a prime time for Inertia to Get in Motion!  We are ideally positioned for spectacular performance in a rapidly growing Action Sports Apparel Industry. 


We will continue our advances and growth in the Surf Core and Beach Lifestyle segment of the Action Sports Apparel Industry by continuing introducing functional and innovative products that enhance the fashion experience for our customers.


Based on assessment of management talent, analysis of market potential, soundness of marketing strategy and the attached financial projections, we believe that this venture represents a sound business investment.  Inertia is the “Motion for the Millennium!

2.  Corporate Vision



Inertia Clothing Company was founded in 1990 in San Diego, California by Nathan Paul Horner to create, market and distribute clothing and accessories for “Generation X and Y”, free spirited, surfing, skating, and snowboarding enthusiasts who wear  “beach culture” fashions (casual, comfortable, durable, clothing, swimwear and accessories). Our Company will distribute on multiple levels including:


·        Beach community retailers and surf shops

·        Action Sports specialty magazines and catalogs

·        Integrated multi-media and direct e-commerce response programs

·        International clothing and accessories distributors


Full advantage will be made of a strategic alliance with a major full service manufacturer to accomplish production of superior products at competitive price points.  Success in achieving global market penetration will be facilitated by numerous factors including:


·        Acquiring superior market recognition with Registered Trademarks;

·        Designing, manufacturing and distributing clothing and accessories designed for enthusiasts of Action Sports and the Beach Culture Lifestyle;

·        Distributing Inertia products through national and international distributors;

·        Distributing Inertia products through national and international catalogs;

·        Distributing Inertia products through sales networks

·        Establishing a touring team of professional athletes and musicians associated with Inertia Products through sponsorship. 


In summary, Inertia Clothing Company provides innovative clothing and accessories, which contributes to the lifestyle associated with Action Sports.  Success will be achieved through clarity of vision, focus on immediate and long term objectives and a bold aggressive growth strategy.  This concentrated effort, orchestrated by a team of highly competent and cooperative professionals, will result in an international clothing and accessories empire of global status.


Mission Statement

Inertia Clothing Company’s mission is to become the preferred supplier of quality Action Sports clothing and accessories worldwide by the year (year of ?).  By purchasing and wearing Inertia Clothing Company products, individuals will be associated with our brands’ perpetually positive image, active lifestyle and innovative fashions.  We will hereby improve the customers’ persona.”


Inertia clothing company will create and maintain a work environment in which recognition of positive values, personal growth of our employees is not overcome by financial objectives. We will establish a superior work experience for all employees in order to enhance the quality of their lives, which leads to superior job performance, increased productivity and superior customer service.


The combination of producing and distributing products that improve our customer’s lives within a business that promotes a “Perpetually Positive” environment, that improves our lives, can lead to success.



In order for Inertia Clothing Company to attain its vision in the manner described in our mission statement, we will achieve the following immediate strategic goals:


·        Produce and warehouse sufficient inventory for fulfillment of immediate forecast sales demands;

·        Acquire capital to expand the existing product line and customer base;

·        Implement wide scale direct-to-consumer marketing;

·        Establish national and international distribution channels.



Inertia Clothing Company has conceived new products for the Action Sports enthusiast. Inertia graphic t-shirts were introduced in 1990 and embroidered Inertia hats, t-shirts and stickers were introduced in 1998.



Since 1998, Inertia Clothing Company has established a preliminary presence on the Internet and has integrated this information with all marketing and advertising programs.  The Company’s web site is


Inertia Clothing Company has reached several landed new retail outlet customers and  rapidly grew to establish additional retail accounts by the end of 2000.


Inertia Clothing Company continues comprehensive analysis and testing of regional market segments and various marketing response vehicles.


Inertia Clothing Company will have achieved significant market penetration through the introduction of our advanced clothing line through an integrated multi-media marketing campaign.


By summer (year of ?)  Inertia Clothing will introduce “Inertia Clothing Company Catalog.”


By (year of  ?) we will broaden to encompass all board sports by integrating teams and Promotions


By the year (year of ?), Inertia Clothing Company will introduce and sustain an annual Action Sports competition and musical festival.


By the year (year of ?)  we will broaden to all sports and start a women’s line.


During 1999 Inertia Clothing Company will have achieved sales of $2,400.  The products were prominently displayed in 6 retail stores and on our website, with salespeople and consultants being knowledgeable and supportive of the products and company.  Sales will increase in volume in years three though six.


Ø      For (year of ?), total sales will exceed               $800,000


Ø      For (year of ?), total sales will exceed               $2,400,000


Ø      For (year of ?), total sales will exceed               $6,000,000


Ø      For (year of ?), total sales will exceed               $15,000,000


Ø      For (year of ?), total sales will exceed               $45,000,000


We are confident that the above goals can be met and surpassed.  The entire Inertia Clothing Management team is prepared and committed to rapid growth and development, coupled with industry patterns; revenues could well exceed the projected gross figures.



In order to accomplish the preliminary goals of sustained market penetration expanded acquisition of market share and subsequent establishment of brand presence and identity, Inertia Clothing Company will achieve the following outlined objectives:


1)      By April (year of ?)  sufficient inventory will be on hand for nationwide market introduction and analysis for Inertia Clothing and accessories;

2)      By April (year of ?) substantial market research will be completed through national direct response marketing for additional product;

3)      By May (year of ?)  preliminary capitalization requirements will be fulfilled;

4)      By May (year of ?)  an integrated multi-media educational and advertising campaign will commerce for the Holiday, (year of ?)  season.

5)      By June (year of ?)  secondary capitalization requirements for a broad spectrum multi-media advertising and acquisition finance fulfilled;

6)    By July (year of ?)  deep market penetration and sustained retention of majority market share will be achieved.






3.  Company Overview




Legal Business Description

The legal name of the company is Inertia Clothing.  The legal form of the business is a San Diego Manufacturer of clothing and accessories for retail sale, business license number SR FH 97502518.  The business location is 428 C Street, Suite 409  San Diego, CA 92101 (Home Office) and P.O. Box 562, La Jolla, CA 92038 (Business Mailing Address)


Management Team

The Inertia Clothing Company staff consists of a unique, team-oriented group of innovative trend setting individuals. We are highly motivated, up to the challenge of using creativity, and business-leadership skills to plan, develop, and implement a competitive product line and marketing strategy. Gifted with ‘social’ intelligence, manners, talent, and good looks. We are the youthful Southern California lifestyle ---    ‘Forging the fashions’ of the new millennium.

Current Internal Management


·        Nathan Horner, Founder / Creative Director / President

·         Samantha Dill, Promotions Director

·        David Hopper, Surf Team Manager


Required Management


·        Chief Financial Officer

·        Marketing and Sales Director

·        Team Managers

·        Web Master

·        Sales Representatives


Required Management Support


·        Accountant and Financial Advisor

·        Corporate Attorney

·        Patent and Trademark Attorney

·        Shipping and Customs Consultant

·        Fashion design Consultant

·        Secretary

Required Employee and Product Insurance

Employee medical and dental benefits and product liability will figure into future expenses outlays.

Proposed Stock Allocation

Upon funding for Inertia Clothing Company, share allocations and percentages of ownership will be determined by negotiations before finalization of deal.

Proposed hierarchy of allocation follows:


                                                                        #Shares                        %Ownership

                                    Chief Investor                    ?                                     ?

                                    Nathan Paul Horner           ?                                     ?   

                                    Samantha Diane Dill        ?                                     ?

                                    Investor (s)                        ?                                     ? 

                                    Other Principals                 ?                                     ?



Nathan Paul Horner, Founder/President/Creative Director

Orchestrate and collaborate the creative direction of the company.  Manages, organizes and “makes things happen.”  This will ensure that everything is done is promptly and accurately.  Responsible for creating images and designing products that represent Inertia Clothing Companies brand image.  Oversees the hiring and firing of employees.


Samantha Diane Dill, Promotions Director

Responsible for developing promotional strategies for Inertia Clothing products.  Research and development for products line.  Fulfills other managerial duties.


To keep staff requirements minimal, in the early stages of development, our Management team will fulfill necessary office duties when needed.


Employee Selection

Selection will be based upon the individuals’ expertise, active participation, reputation and success in their field.


Outside Support

Our outside management advisors provide tremendous support for management decision in the form of guidance and counseling in their particular specialty. 



Inertia Clothing Company will make maximum use of temporary staffing services and networking opportunities to maintain minimal staff requirements. However, Inertia Clothing Company recognizes that individual staff is required to properly support customer service and fulfillment functions.  Subcontracted warehousing and direct response fulfillment services will be in place.  Additional staffing requirements will be filled upon funding.










Strategic Alliances



Inertia Clothing Company has initiated relationships with American based and offshore manufactures and wholesale textile companies.  The Inertia Clothing Company offers a unique, team-oriented group of trend setting individuals gifted with “social” intelligence, talent and good looks.  We are the youthful Southern California Lifestyle---“forging the fashions of the new millennium.”     






4. Product Strategy


History and Development

      Inertia Clothing Company was founded in 1990, in San Diego, California, by Nathan Paul Horner, a student at an International art school, and a graphic artist for H-street skateboarding company. At that time, he had the vision of a clothing company with the name Inertia, --- meaning, “The tendency of anything in motion to stay in motion”. In the early 90’s, Inertia Clothing Company acquired a business license and applied for a trademark. T-shirts and stickers were made, accompanied by advertising in Kema, a southern California surf magazine. There were sales locally and at some Universities.

       Nathan moved to Virginia to be near his aging grandmother. During this time, his dream remained alive. A few years went by -- graphics were created and T-shirts were designed. In 1998, at the age of 31, Nathan adopted a professional approach to Inertia Clothing Company. By developing a strategy, creating a web site and offering a limited product line of hats, T-shirts and stickers, Inertia  was in motion again.

     We are currently developing our sample product line, geared to boys and men ages 14 to 21. Specifically, “Generation X and Y”--- free spirited, surfing, skating and snowboarding enthusiasts who wear “beach culture” fashions --- casual, comfortable, durable clothing, swimwear and accessories.  Ravers, Punk rockers, or Gang Bangers are not our intended market. The first year, we will produce a variety of shorts, shirts, jackets, sweaters, pants, jeans, cords, hats, beanies, sports bags, and accessories, --- and possibly, some hemp products. We will utilize the global textiles market, importing various fabrics and prints for use in the manufacturing of our products --- thus giving us a global appeal.


Planned Products

Inertia Clothing Company plans to continually develop new products and enhance existing products.  It is our philosophy that our product be improved every six months in order to maintain its competitive position, market value, and price point.  We must maintain our ability to innovate as changes occur in the market environment, in the needs of our customers and in our own capabilities.


In response to demonstrated needs of our market, new products being developed in the near future include:


1)Windbreaker jacket
  -Exterior-synthetic/nylon (wind proof maaterial)
  -Inner fleece/polyester lining
  -Two hand pockets which close with plastic zippers.  Fleece lined
  -Front zipper, plastic, large gauge, Inertia logo will be on zipper
  -cuffs with custom Inertia button closure


2)Full-fleece(polyester) pull-over jacket
-Quarter-zipper with Inertia logo, large gauge, plastic
-"Inertia" embossed on polyester blend
- Loose elastic cuffs
-hood, fleece with pull-string with plastic grip-buckle

3)Basic hooded sweatshirt
-100% thick pre-washed cotton
-embroidered with graphics
-large gauge, full-length plastic zipper with Inertia logo

4)Hooded quilted jacket low cut (2 versions)
-1) synthetic blend exterior 2) large cord exterior without hood

 -waterfowl filled quilted synthetic interior
-Hood includes pull-string with plastic grip buckle
-two large chest pockets with button down covering flap
-two deep hand pockets lined with a comfortable blend
-Inertia labels and embroidery

5/6)Pants(cords/jeans) and similar shorts design
-Baggy cords tapered (thick gauge cord), Brushed bull denim, brushed twill
-Two pockets in the back
-two deep hand pockets with synthetic lining
-plus other cargo pockets in design
-custom Inertia button above metal zipper

7)Boarding shorts
-synthetic blend/nylon
-mesh in bottom of pockets to allow sand to escape
-draw-string waist
-cargo pockets

8)Windbreaker pants
-wind proof material with mesh/nylon as accents for design purposes.
-Hand pockets, synthetic lining
-multi-compartmental cargo pockets.

9) Short-sleeve Hawaiian style shirts
  -button down, custom Inertia buttons
  -100% cotton custom print fabric
  -One pocket, front-left (no button)
  -Side label Inertia tag on pocket

10) Novelty woven blend shirts (short and long sleeve style)

11) knit sweater
    -thick woven blend
    -long loose sleeves

12) Flannel shirts
  -long sleeve
  - 2 buttoned chest pockets
  - button cuffed sleeves

13) Long and Short Sleeve 100% cotton t-shirts with Inertia graphics


14) Travel bags
backpacks for global travelers/surf trips
  -multi-compartmental pockets with mesh and synthetic fabrics
  -smaller version for campus/day pack use


Sales History

At the 1999 Ocean Beach Street Fair and the 1999 ASR Trade Show in San Diego (the largest of its kind in the World), Inertia Clothing generated significant interest through the use of promotional flyers, thus promoting the web site and sales of t-shirts, hats, and accessories. 


Current Buyers

The following retailers carried the initial line of Inertia Clothing products in the Summer of 1999.  Interest and sales were overwhelming.  Although there was insufficient capitol for a large-scale advertising and promotions of the Inertia Clothing website ( in 1998-1999, there was direct response purchasing.


1)      Atomic Trading Company              

1036 Garnet Ave. Pacific Beach, California. 92109 

Tel: 619-272-8822                             Fax: 619-272-8898

Contacts: Owner-Anne Labrador     Manager - Eric


2)      Ocean Beach Surf Shop             

        4885 Newport Ave. San Diego, California. 92107

        Tel: 619-225-0674                           Fax: 619-225-0696

        Contact: Joe Ghio


3)      Swoozy’s                  

        1857 Bacon St. Ocean Beach, California.92107  


                          Contact:  Owner-Sunny




4)      Aquarius Surf-n-Skate    

        747 Pacific Beach Drive San Diego,California.92109  

        Tel: 619-488-9733

        Contact: Jeffrey Strunk


5)      Chameleon Hair Lounge          

        4760½ Voltaire St. Ocean Beach, California. 92107 Tel: 619-223-7006

        Contact: Owner- Evette


Market research and recent sales associates presentations to surf shops and boutiques demonstrate and ability to close 75% of the outlets exposed to the Inertia Clothing Presentation.


Research and Development

Much of the time and effort at Inertia Clothing was spent on product research and manufacturing process development.


Inertia Clothing Company regularly visits surf-shops, malls, and boutiques to thoroughly examine hot market items, which will increase the growth of the company by keeping us in touch with changing trends in fashion.  In order to promote the speed and innovation of our new product line, Inertia management is committed to the following:

·        Raise product and customer service quality standards;

·        Conduct comprehensive market research for targeted domestic and international markets;

·        Establish “factory direct” international distribution for our products;

·        Introduce products that enhance the lifestyles associated with Beach Culture and Action Sports Lifestyles.


Barriers to Entry

Inertia Clothing Company has exclusive patent and trademark protection provided by beneficial access to intellectual properties held by the owner and founder of Inertia Clothing, Nathan Paul Horner (Documents dating back to 1990).


Additionally, Inertia Clothing Company intends to significantly penetrate all current potential markets with our initial product offering.  Our strategy is to bring an appropriate brand name (Inertia), theme/motto (Perpetually Positive) and a creative and innovative product line and management team.  We will sponsor and promote some of the best athletes and musicians in the world by direct association with our product, thus establishing our brand image and targeting our market.


Partnership and Joint Ventures

Full advantage will be made of a strategic alliance with a major full-service manufacturer to accomplish production of superior products at competitive prices.


We will use outside material providers when they have resources useful to expedite the development of an Inertia Clothing product.  They will be selected based upon their expertise, active participation, reputation, and success in their field, plus overall quality of their materials.


When beneficial, we seek to blend the ideas and components of several designers and suppliers to create an optimum hybrid product yielding the most benefits to our customers. 


Production and Delivery


Inertia Clothing Company is currently in contact and researching manufacturing and production options in America and overseas.  Inertia Clothing Company provides graphic artwork for clothing, hangtags and custom buttons and zippers.


























5.  Market Analysis

Market Definition/Industry Analysis, Domestic U.S. Market

Participation in Action Sports spans vast age and income categories.


Today there are nearly 22 million teen males in the U.S. influencing $246 billion in household spending and in 1997, independently this group spent $91.5 billion (


According to Robert B. McKnight, Jr., chairman of the board and chief executive officer of Quicksilver Inc., Quicksilver, a leader in the Action Sports apparel industry, had in increase in their net sales from 78,265,000 to 105,160,000.  This is an increase of 34.4% in one year.

Pacific Sunwear of California Inc. (Nasdaq:PSUN) reported sales of $34.0 million for the four-week period ended Nov. 28, 1999, an increase of 40.4% over sales of $24.2 million for the comparable four week period ended Nov. 29, 1998. Same store sales increased 10.5% for the period.

Action Sports Industry Growth Factors

“Industry shows Strong.  Surf companies, shops upbeat about future.  It is a relatively good summer on both coasts, with enough warmth, sunlight and surf to keep the retailers positive about the industry.  After the two major surf trade shows in September, the overall mood is continuing optimism and growth in the surf market” (Transworld Surf Business, October 1999).

Alison Cutler, national sales manager and director of marketing for an Encinitas based women’s beach wear clothing company, Watergirl, states that their sales are under a million dollars but is expected to be at three-million within a year (Transworld Surf Business, October 1999).











World Market

Textile & Apparel Trade Balance Report*

Millions of Dollars



                                    World                                      15,612

                                    Canada                                                3,084

                                    Mexico                         4,895

                                    China                                       75

                                    Korea, South                            93

                                    Hong Kong                              226

                                    Taiwan                                     56

                                    Japan                                       366

                                    UE15                                       -21.09

                                    ASEAN                                   -124

                                    CBI                                          -3.69

                                    LDDC exc. Haiti                      -29.95


* [Source: 1999; U.S. Department of Commerce Report. Apparel totals only]









6.     Marketing Plan

Inertia Clothing Company’s marketing strategy is to propose, promote and support the fact that Inertia offers the Action Sports enthusiast clothing and accessories that will make the consumer feel positive, and full of California energy “STOKED”. We will sponsor athletes, models, musicians and DJ’s as they are our markets mentors. By advertising and producing events we will create a unique brand image that will draw in our target market. We aim to market to not only the core surfing, skateboarding, snowboarding markets, those who are active participants in the sports, but also those who support Action Sports and beach-lifestyles and may not be participants in board-sports but are influenced by the sports and the lifestyle they represent.


The overall marketing plan for our product is based on the following requirement:

By purchasing and wearing Inertia Clothing Company products, individuals will be associated with our brands’ perpetually positive image, active lifestyle and innovative fashions.  We will hereby improve the customers’ persona.”


Inertia Clothing Company will achieve a broad education and distribution of its product through a viable, dynamic and continually upgraded marketing campaign.  Initial Inertia product presentation will include both multi-media advertising and multi-channel distribution.  This will be accomplished through a complete nationwide instructional sales program using the following resources:


·        Integrated direct marketing on the Internet (

·         National ad campaigns in magazines and internet sites such as --- Surfer, Surfing, Transworld Surf,Transworld Snowboarding,Blue Torch, Transworld Skateboarding, Heckler, Warp, details, In Style, The Hut.Com, Eastern Surf, Revolt in Style, Etc.

·        National and regional Action Sports specialty catalog distributors

·        National and international wholesale distributors

·        Sales and marketing representatives

·        Independent manufacturer sales representatives


Our introduction of consumer education and product information will be provided by a direct response marketing campaign which will target the peak summer months in the United States.  A national advertising campaign, in prominent nationally distributed consumer magazines and newspapers, will provide additional pull-through into the market for both retail outlet sales and direct response marketing.


To further advance the image of our products and brand name, independent manufacturers sales representatives and models will show and demonstrate the features and benefits of our products and accessories.  Additionally, a high impact point-of-sale video derived from our television direct response marketing will be provided to standardize and enhance the sales presentation.  This point of sale video will also be our primary method of introducing Inertia products to international distributors, trade members, and media. 


Sales Strategy

Inertia Clothing Company will introduce its products as the beginning of a line of products “that are consistent with our brands’ perpetually positive image, active lifestyle and innovative fashions.  We will hereby improve the customers’ persona.”  The target market segments to focus upon an the means to reach them are:


Boys and men ages 14-21/ Action Sports Enthusiast

·        Catalog sales

·        Online and Direct Response marketing


Action Sports Events (X Games, Olympics etc.) and Beach Communities

Domestic and International


·        Distributors and manufacturer sales representatives

·        Trade magazines

·        Promoters

·        Sponsored Teams


Our sales strategy is presently poised to take full advantage of:


·        the increasing market appetite for lifestyle clothing and accessories;

·        the natural tendency to want to look and feel good in public wearing the latest brand name fashions;

·        the tremendous present and future growth of the Action Sports industry, including the opening of  435,000 square-foot indoor action-sports park in Anaheim, California in mid to late 2001 (


Our marketing position will take advantage of the gaps in the market and the weaknesses of our competitors.  We will define our own position and plan for a strong tomorrow.


Sales Support Collateral Materials

Inertia Clothing Company has developed collateral material to support our sales efforts.

These items include:


·        Inertia Clothing Company product samples

·        Brochures presenting Inertia clothing and accessories

·        Four-color Inertia Clothing display box

·        Inertia Clothing Company stationary

·        Point of purchase posters and banners

·        Inertia Clothing Company logo laundry bags

·        Inertia Clothing Company logo canopy sales tent

·        Published price lists

·        Trade Show booth

·        Published media editorials.

Major Sales Announcements

Notice of major contract agreements representing significant relationships or sales, will be released to selected media as soon as practical after the signing of agreements.



The prices of our products are determined first and foremost by manufacturing and delivery costs. Our price points are quite acceptable on the basis of perceived value, a factor facilitated by association of the product with the established Action Sports Apparel segment.


Suggested price points:


                               Product                              Retail                        Wholesale

                        *     Windbreaker jacket                   $70-$120            $42-$72

                        *     Fleece Pull-over jacket             $60-$100  $36-$60

                        *     Hooded  Sweatshirt                   $30-$50              $18-$30

                        *     Hooded quilted  jacket              $150-$200           $90-$120

                        *     Pants-cords                                $40-$130           $24-$78

                        *     Pants-denim                              $40-$130 $24-$78

                        *     Boarding shorts                         $40-$60               $24-$36

                        *     Windbreaker pants                    $50-$100 $30-$60

                        *     Hawaiian style shirts                 $65-$90                $39-$54

                        *     Woven blend shirt                     $40-$90               $24-$54

                        *     Knit sweater                              $60-$100            $36-$60

                        *     Flannel shirts                             $40-$70               $24-$42

                        *     T-shirts with graphics               $20-$30                $12-$18

                        *     Travel bags                                $50-$250            $30-$150


Volume discounts are considered for catalog distributors and mass merchandisers (for purchases of sufficient volume to effectively reduce Inertia Clothing Company operating margins).



The average retail outlet desires a 30% to 40% gross profit margin on their new products. Our average wholesale prices provide an attractive pricing opportunity and a resultant 41% retail GPM. When providing product to company house accounts (no intermediate involvement); this pricing affords Inertia Clothing Company an Average 41% GPM for all products. GPM will increase to 46% (wholesale).



Distributors will purchase/hold inventory and manage accounts receivable.  Purchase orders will be accepted subject to mandatory minimum order quantities and will establish terms requiring wire-transfer date-of-ship payment. Distributors will receive a 25% discount from general wholesale.



Manufacturers Representative

Manufacturer representatives will be paid a maximum of 10% commission on sales to Action Sports Retailers. Commissions for sales to retail chains and other large distribution channels will be on a sliding scale ranging from 8% (500-1000 units) to 3% (5001 or more units); unit volume will be determined by total volume ordered during the first year only, after which the account becomes an in-house account. The highest commission paid to our manufacturer representatives will result in a 31% GPM (average) to Inertia Clothing Company.


Direct response and Online Marketing sales

Direct response sales result in significant increases in GPM.


Distribution Channels

Inertia Clothing Company sells products through multiple channels.

Distribution channels expressing interest include:


·        Hardcore Enterprise

·        Podium Distribution

·        Circus Distribution

·        Syndrome


The following are determining factors in choosing our distribution channels:


·        Target market segment(s) and customer-base demographics profile;

·        Geography and depth of network;

·        Size of customer-base;

·        Reputation, integrity and image.


Inertia Clothing Company has established an initial customer base of 5 accounts, including:


·        Atomic Trading Company

·        Ocean Beach Surf Shop

·        Swoozy’s Boutique

·        Aquarius Surf-n-Skate

·        Chameleon Hair Lounge


Numerous retailers are expressing interest in our future products, direct and through E-Commerce.


Executive Sales

Because top corporate managers make product acquisition decisions, it is important that our company CEO, President and senior managers present product to these customers.


Direct Sales

Initially, the majority of Inertia Clothing Company’s direct sales effort will be handled by direct customer contact and independent manufacturer representatives. Product pricing information and our company marketing literature will be provided to this sales force to respond to anticipated customer interest in Inertia Products.



One of the key elements designed into Inertia Clothing Company’s marketing plan is the targeting of national and international distributors. We will select distribution channels already in existence, which are staffed with professionals possessing appropriate backgrounds and clientele.


Inertia Clothing Company products are a perfect fit to any Action Sports distributor’s business and to the well-being of the fact that these professionals are already involved with parallel products and services and that they already have a track record of positive results. Also, it is significantly less difficult for us to reach their customers and educate them about the benefits available by purchasing Inertia Clothing Company products.

By operating within these distribution channels in this manner we can maintain control of our market. In addition, we can generate growth at a reasonable pace and obtain excellent sales results.


International Market

 The global market will have access to Inertia Clothing products via our web site (the Internet). The initial countries targeted by Inertia Clothing Company outside the United States of America are Japan, New Zealand, Bali, Spain, France, the United Kingdom as they are coastal and are the largest customers of imported Action Sports Apparel and accessories. Additionally, Australia is targeted as a large potential Pacific Rim consumer of the Inertia products. Brazil and all Latin America is considered a 5-10 year growth market, a market that will be fully penetrated by Inertia Clothing Company.



The primary means of international distribution will be established international distributors of Action Sports Apparel and accessories.


Secondary channels planned are through established international Action Sports Apparel specialty catalogs. An important role of catalog distribution will be to create market “pull-through” generated by increased consumer exposure.


Both of these channels feature low cost and quick start-up.


Returns and Adjustments Policy

For direct-to-consumer sales, we will use the following policies:


                         "If not fully satisfied with any Inertia Clothing Company product, you may return it for a full refund within 30 days of receipt of product. Refunds are made on the product plus applicable taxes, including shipping costs."

"Credit card refunds will be credited to your account and cash/check payments will be refunded within 10 days of receipt of returned merchandise in good condition.


Advertising and Promotion

Inertia Clothing Company recognizes that the key to success at this time requires extensive promotion to customers. This must be done aggressively on a wide scale. Advertising will be done independently and cooperatively with distributors, retailers and companies with whom Inertia Clothing Company has joint marketing/sales relationships.




·        Position Inertia Clothing Company as the leading supplier of Action Sports Apparel and accessories to target market segments;

·        Increase brand identity and brand name recognition among Action Sports enthusiast, corporate managers, owners and buyers for mass merchandisers, surf shops, boutiques, and retail outlets, Action Sports events and facilities, specialty catalogs and other specialty stores;

·        Generate qualified sales leads and potential new distributors for field sales organization(s);

·        Develop significant market research information to generate immediate and long-term marketing plans;

·        Create product-advertising programs supporting "by purchasing and wearing Inertia Clothing Company products, individuals will be associated with our brands’ perpetually positive image, active lifestyle and innovative fashions.  We will hereby improve the customers’ persona.”

·        Coordinate sales literature, demonstration materials, and direct response promotions in order to achieve a new Perpetually Positive mindset by educating the Action Sports industry and Action Sports Enthusiast worldwide of the upgrade in self-image, associated with our products and brand image.


    Media Objectives 


·        Impart awareness of Inertia Clothing Company, increase brand identity and brand name recognition among Action Sports enthusiast, corporate managers, owners and buyers for mass merchandisers, surf shops, boutiques, and retail outlets, Action Sports events and facilities, specialty catalogs and other specialty stores;

·        Establish the image of Inertia Clothing Company as an organization that is professional, reliable, and highly positioned in the market;

·        Maximize efficiency in selection and scheduling of published advertisements to cover both consumer and trade markets.



  Media Strategy


·        Select and utilize primary Action Sports publications with high specific market penetration ( Surfer, Surfing, Transworld Surf, Transworld Snowboarding,Blue Torch, Transworld Skateboarding, Heckler, Warp, details, In Style, The Hut.Com, Eastern Surf, Revolt in Style, etc.  );

·        Schedule adequate frequency of ads to achieve market impact with Inertia Clothing Company logo/image and product messages ( motto: Perpetually Positive);

·        Where possible, position advertising in or near beach lifestyle, and/or sports sections of national newspapers;

·        Take advantage of special high-interest issues of major sporting event publications when possible.


To get to the most out of our promotional budget, our initial media strategy will be to focus on the direct response market audience through the promotion of events, and sponsorship of athletes, and musicians. These athletes, and musicians to be used in 30 or  60 second commercial advertisements on nationwide cable/satellite television (MTV,VH1,ESPN,BLUETORCH.COM)and direct-to-consumer mail. As provided within our marketing budget, we will also initiate direct response advertisement in various appropriate publications such as Surfing, Skateboarding, and Snowboarding magazines. We will run 1/4 to 1/2 page ads in color, ads expanding to full page as revenues and operating margins increase.


We will develop an advertising campaign built around product innovation and competitive advantages derived from wearing our clothing, and associating yourself with our brand image. Beginning with "who we are" statement and supporting it with ads that reinforce Inertia's message/motto "Perpetually Positive".  We support Green Peace, Surf Rider Foundation and other environmental organizations.  Executed properly and according to plan, we will develop a consistent reach and frequency throughout the year.


Advertising Campaign

The best way to reach our potential customers is to develop an intense adverting campaign promoting our basic premise, "by purchasing and wearing Inertia Clothing Company products, individuals will be associated with our brands’ perpetually positive image, active lifestyle and innovative fashions.  We will hereby improve the customers’ persona.”


To establish our company image, the delivery and tone of our statements will be high-tech, radically with the times and new trends, presenting an active Generation-X/Y lifestyle.


Ideally after becoming familiar with our products, the consumer will log on to our web site ( and order our products using their credit cards.


Business Location

Inertia Clothing Company’s’ operation base should be placed in a beach community such as La Jolla or Pacific Beach.  With this placement, we will be in our element, easily viewed and contacted by our target consumers.  A work/live situation would be ideal.






































7.  Financial Plan



Attached historical data presents actual figures based upon performance of Inertia clothing Company's introductory products (hats, t-shirts, and stickers).


Cash flow projections cover the five-year period from (year of ?)  to (year of ?), hereafter as "Year 1" through"Year 5". Projections are based on the assumption that infusion of capital as described herein will generate accumulated net income between years 5-7 sufficient for the investor to recoup total investment.


Financial Statements

Inertia Clothing Company, being a company run on very little capital since 1990, has only begun to record financials in the last year of commerce 1998-1999 financial statements/documents are provided within.


Summary/Analysis of Financial Statements

The following table highlights the primary income-related items:


Year                             ?                     ?                    ?                      ?                    ?


Total Sales                             $800,00       $2,400,000             $6,000,000              $15,000,000       $45,000,000

  % Growth                               100%             200%                  150%                   150%                 300%


Gross Profit-Dollars          $320,000     $1,080,000         $2,880,000                  $7,200,000            $21,600,000

Gross Profit %                           40%                   45%                  48%                        48%                    48%


Operations–Dollars            $307,520       $972,000           $2,419,200          $5,976,000         $17,928,000



Net Income –                        $12,480         $108,000           $460,800             $1,224,000         $3,672,000


Net income %                          3.9%               10%                   16%                      17%                   17%



Revenues include acquisitions and/or strategic alliances.


Capital Requirements

Execution of this plan is flexible dependent upon amount of capital raised, which will effectively determine a meaningful time frame for achievement of our objectives. A reasonably aggressive approach to market introduction requires equity capital in the amount of $1,000,000. Availability of funding in this amount will firmly establish brand and product presence and will set the stage for growth in the future. Upon demonstration of performance according to sales projections, the company may desire to accelerate the growth process by acquisitions. This will require additional capital to enable Inertia Clothing Company to rapidly increase production, marketing and distribution capabilities as dictated by market response and sales growth. An IPO is planned as additional procurement of required capital. The Company may also acquire a debt instrument for planned growth. The investors will achieve substantial ROI after IPO.

The sale (via NYSE and e-trade) of up to 20% of the authorized stock in Inertia Clothing Company will enable the company to satisfy the capitalization requirements identified within Business Plan.


The level of safety is high for the funding we are requesting based on management's educational backgrounds and substantial prior experience in obtaining positive results. Additionally, market research clearly identifies Inertia Clothing Company as the right brand name and image to market Action Sports Apparel and accessories into the next millennium. With products at the right price and a company that promotes being "Perpetually Positive" we will establish an image and attitude not yet manifested by any other company in the world. Our confidence in meeting and surpassing the attached financial projections is extremely high.


Use of Proceeds

Dollar Usage

      Acquisition Capital                                           $ 1,000,000

      Advertising                                                       $250,000

      Marketing                                                         $350,000

      Facilities                                                           $100,000

      Operating Capital (Two Years)                        $500,000

            Reserve Capital                                           $300,000      


Total                                                                       $ 2,500,000




(1)   Fee's include broker commissions, legal and accounting expenses, and registration/membership fees (TALA- Textile Association of Los Angeles).


(2)   This working capital will be used to pay Company's day-day operating expenses, including the salaries and related expenses for developmental strategies.



Payback / Exit Strategy

The financial projections indicate that recapture of initial investment will be achievable within three years through redemption provisions established upon issuance of Preferred Stock. Execution of convertible stock options at the discretion of the Investor further provides for additional Investor profit participation and will also allow capital "roll-over" as fuel for continued growth.


An alternate exit strategy exists in the form of an Initial Public Stock Offering and execution of provisional redemption options will be triggered immediately following IPO.






Based on the attached financial projections, we believe that this represents a sound business investment.

Inertia Clothing Company

Expense projections

February through December (year of ?)


Cost of Goods Sold                                                      400,000.00

Consulting Fees                                                               50,000.00

Dining and Entertainment                                                    2,000.00

Insurance Expense                                                           15,000.00                                        

Legal and Professional Services                                       10,000.00

Office Lease Expense                                                      18,000.00

Office Supplies and Utilities                                                6,500.00

Website and Online Communications                   10,000.00

Payroll Expenses                                                               1,000.00

Payroll Taxes                                                                   10,000.00

Postage, Shipping Expenses                                             10,000.00

Printing Expenses                                                                  100.00

Repairs and Maintenance                                                   1,000.00

Research and Development                                              10,000.00

Salaries and Wages                                                      250,000.00

Advertising                                                                   250,000.00

Marketing and Promotions                                            350,000.00

Sales Rep, Fees/Commission                                             3,000.00

Storage Expenses                                                                 500.00

Transportation/Travel Expenses                                         5,000.00

Vehicle Lease/Auto Expenses                                          10,000.00