Beaver Built Race Cars
Forsberg's Results
4/27/03  Salina Speedway  Started 10th, finished 4th, track was bumpy and heavy
5/3/03 Salina Speedway, Started 8th, finished 1st!!, track was smooth and layin rubber
5/3/03  All three beaver cars took the top 3 spots at Salina Speedway!!!
2 out of 2 features in Salina, a win in Oberlin.  That makes one for each of us!! Congrats Tony, B.J. and Dustin!!!
5/10/03  Salina Speedway Started 7th. finished 2nd!  slick slick slick, and smooth
5/17/03 Salina Speedway Started 9th, finished 3rd  heavy track