Hello again,
it's me, back for another bout of hilarity.
here's what I've decided to do. I'm going to start offering an award off
of this site, and I don't necessarily mean an award that you can only get
if your page is flawless and you're an expert in HTML. I'm talking
about an award for something we really care about--you know, like Most
Daring Use of Color...Hardest Hitting...Most Fun...Most Creative...Best
Actress in a Claymation Docu-Drama. If you would like to apply for
this award, please fill out the form below! I, of course, will make
the final determination as to whether you get the award, but I am open
to bribery and quality forms of butt-kissing.
To see samples of my awards, please click here.
Rules for my Award
If your page is hosted by GeoCities, it must comply with content policy
guidelines. Sorry, no flexibility here...I am a CL,
guys! Oh, and your page DOES NOT have to be hosted by GeoCities to
get the award. You just gotta have a website!
far as I'm concerned, all good sites are constantly under construction.
This means that cheesy "Under Construction" graphics probably won't
be winning many awards. GOOD "Under Construction" graphics...well....sure!
Why not?
In the nature of this award, pages displaying wit and humor will be preferrentially
treated. 'Nuff Said.
promise you that if your page is ONLY a page full of links with no content,
you're not going to win my award. I'm not asking for
much here....just give me SOMETHING to do!
the guestbook....get the award. I'm all about shameless
So, that's
it! Not too hard...and having laid down all the rules, on to the
actual application!
Apply for my award!