© Byron Jones

Tricks and Tips

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Frontflip- Ollie and flick your index finger forward so the board spins vertically and forward. Let is spin a bit and land with your fingers.

Wall Ride- Ollie up to a wall and press the board onto the wall on it's wheels. Roll along and then land off the wall.

Gap- The are a few types of gaps. There is a halfpipe gap where you jump over the whole halfpipe. A kicker gap where you jump right over to ramps set side by side. A gap from one ramp too another, over a big drop etc..

There are many differen't tricks that you can do, these are just a few of them. Fingerboards can do most things that skateboards can do, it just takes time to co-ordinate your fingers to pull off the trick.

If you think that you know a trick worth listing here then go to the suggest a trick section and if it's cool i'll add it too the list along with your name.