Casa De St. Paul- The new pad- circa98
Michael St. Paul
Welcome to my Home Page ! This site will tell you more about team MSP- Hope you enjoy!
Manhatten Beach July-99
Disneyland - July-99
Lake Tahoe, Nv.- Tour Stop #3 Squaw Valley,March 5-7th '99. The posse was in way rare form that weekend, Biscut flew in from Ohio. Jambo and Waldo shared a room (of course the kid had to up-grade! ), and T-Will was in from "Diego" . Rooms were @ the Sands in Reno "The biggest little city " whateva? Anyway the snow was killer 186" base, a phat 1/2 pipe and they even had an indoor rock climbing gym. We had "Chef "as our driver and Lars was a gracious Host. See you next year! Props to the fellas for a great trip.Peace *MSP*
Telluride, Co. Tour Stop #2- T-Ride....The SunCity Fire Dept was well represented -Big John, Ben, KJ, Stotty, Captain Bill ( aka Marge, aka Big Willy Style), and Brainy ( big Pimp) stopped in for the meet and greet. Since I was a T-Ride "rookie" the fellas took me out the first night to the Fly Me to the Moon Saloon- I new I was in trouble when the bar tender Jay was throwing down Stoli and Jagers!) The next nights @ the New Sheradian and "Last Buck" were more of the same! Anyway the mountain was real steep and extreme and I about pulled a Sonny and broke my neck on "Coonskin" but I recovered with alittle TLC from a new friend Stefaberi. We left our mark on T-Ride ( was that wolf bait??) and I'll be back for the Third annual To-hell-uride Trip! Thanks Big John!! Peace MSP.
MSP on Main Street in T-Ride-Feb '99.
Las Vegas, Nv-Summer '98 Tour Stop #1- 36 hours of pure hell, Welcome to the city that never sleeps! Remo and I were on fire!
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