Q: What is a fingerboard?

A: Well picture a skateboard but that is about 3 inches long and you use itwith your fingers. You can do pretty much all the tricks you can do with a real skateboard but takes a lot less time, you dont get hurt, and you can skate when its raining or if  weather is bad.

Q: What do you skate on?

A: You can either buy ramps or make them out of cardboard,wood,or anything eles you have laying around the house.

Q: What is the best kind?

A: In my opinin techdeck is the best but there are aluminum ones called boneheads, plasic ones that are called presision boards, and ones that look just like techdecks but arnt.

Well thats all i think i need to put up for now but if you e-mail me with more qustions then i will put them up here.