Hi, good to see you! Welcome to my web site.
The name Acebeerdrinker? No, it's not what you think....
I just happen to like the best beers available, that's all.
"Dead ace" as they might say in Liverpool or Birmingham.
Which would translate as "Excellent".
Apart from my penchant for really good beers, I have many other interests. I'm keen on sailing and enjoy dinghy racing as often as is possible, and occasionally ocean racing. Sadly, due to work I don't get to do as much as I'd like to these days. I like chess, backgammon and computer simulations.
Restaurants are a favourite too as I enjoy good food and good company. I find there's nothing nicer than spending an evening in a good restaurant with a group of friends.
I hope you enjoy my site - it's a bit small at present as I've only just got around to doing something about it. Too much work, you know. I shall be adding to it as the days draw shorter and the winter creeps in. Brrrr.... Perish the thought!
I hope to be adding a few chatrooms soon so maybe I'll get to chat to some of my visitors too. In the meantime, take a look around and if you wish, please sign my guestbook.