SPECIES COUNTRY APPROVED METHOD OF DISPOSAL Sampiro Albania Stake through heart Nachtzehrer Bavaria Place coin in mouth, decapitate with ax Ogoljen Bohemia Bury at crossroads Krvoijac Bulgaria Chain to grave with wild roses Kathakano Crete Boil head in vinegar Brukulaco Greece Cut off and burn head Vampir Hungary Stake through heart, nail through temple Dearg-dul Ireland Pile stones on grave Vryolakas Macedonia Pour boiling oil on, drive nail through navel Upier Poland Bury face downwards Gierach Prussia Put poppy seeds in grave Strigoiul Rumania Remove heart, cut in two; garlic in mouth, nail in head Vlkoslak Serbia Cut off toes, drive nail through neck Neuntoter Saxony Lemon in mouth Vampiro Spain No known remedy