
Ok this was in münchen and stuff ,, it was hard to take the picture cause of the trees ,,, you eather had to go onto the street where ppl would hit you with the cars or you had to go onto the bike path thingy where they would hit you with there bikes ,so i decided to take my chances with the bikes ,,

ok this is the chinese tower in münchen very nice ,, for one reason to the left of it there is a beer garten there ;) ( i did not have anybeer there i was not feeling like drinking that night .. but still the thought that i could have gotten drunk out of my mind right over there is memory enough ;)


(PortaNigra roman gate entrace to the city trier also had a wall around it roman times though)

there is a pedway under the road to this thing to go uptown on the way back to the hostel me and iris were racing up some stairs when she cuts me off up the stairs and i fell hurting my ankle and ending my stair racing career i was devastated :(

Bath house thingy

This was in Trier very nice place ,, I saw a guy with a monkey ;) (classic playerthing where the guy would wind it and the monkey is supposed to dance ,you know what i mean ) but anyway all the monkey did was eat lettuce so i came to the conclusion that the monkey was eating the lettuce to the music ( I did not have my camera at the time sorry DD ) , also saw a gladiator ring thing there but we were to late to see it for real so i stuck the camera in the gate and took a picture so i guess i can say that i saw it ( i did i really did )


Late night trier coming home from a friends of iris 's all i can say that it is somewhere on the way back to the hostel ;) it was really dark as you can see .( seeing how the picture would turn out if i took a picture of us holding the camera .How is it ?)


Church in metz ( very big this is actually 4 pictures )

Ok Metz is the crappiest place in the world i hated it the whole time there .. it was dirty there was dog shit everywhere and the french there are stupid as hell ,, i mean ask them if they speak german or english they will say a bit and then they dont know shit all so you are shit out of luck ( good thing they dont check if you have the right tickets on the train or me and iris would still be there hehehehehe ) But all in all this part of france sucked big time i would avoid it if you can ,, but one thing that was better the germany was the service at mcdonalds ... i actually got a warm bigmac ,,, ( i did not notice a royal with cheese there hmmmm?)


Heidelberg castle (sunset)

Ok this was a really nice city ;) mmmmm m m mmmmm döners there were gooood good mmmm .. anyway if you ever come her to servive you need you japanese and chinese repellent , cause you will need it ,, i mean there is just to many of them there it gets anoying after a while ,, how many pictures can they take ,, i still have nightmares about it :\ ( stop the flashes plz god nooooooooooooooo )


Ok in this pic ,,now hmmmm see the clock near the g there well around that corner a bum bothered me for some money for food ,,, i hate when they do that ,, i said i only had bills ... he says what kinda bills ,, i say 100's and i am gone ,, but the funny thing was later that day about 2 hours later i saw him again ;) he bought a pizza from pizzadelight or something like that some american pizza place anyway .. ;)

Also mainz impossible to find the mcdonalds there , we had to settle with burgerking first time i ever ate there ,, and it was shit , but later we found the mcd's and we were all happy ,, chicken nugget menu maxi die pommes und coke zu trinken bitte ;)


War thing in Lauterecken ,, walked up here my last day with iris :( *snif*

has a nice veiw of the town ,,, though see here next

this pic is to the right of the tower ,,my gf lives near the top and right of those houses :) very steep hill going town to the center of the town ;) hehhe it could hurt if you fall off you bike hehehehe ;) i saw this happen :) aslo in kaiserslautern or so i saw a kid fall on his face riding one of those stupid ass scooters ;) made my day i tell you ;)

But this is the end of it .. it is only a taste of what i did if you want to know more or something tough i guess ;) hehehehe but if you have any questions on my site or any part of it feel free to email me