Whitewater Kayaking based around Hull, UK. So the bias is towards Rivers such as The Wharfe, Ure, Tees, Washburn, Tyne with bits on the North Wales rivers which we get to now and again, and The Sea especially Cayton Bay. Give me some feedback if at all possible as this is the way I can develop the site, I need to concentrate on working on the info you want! Happy paddling.

Hi again, yet another apology for lack of any new material but there should be a good update within the next month, We're doing a week around Glen Nevis over Easter so if we make it back I'll let you know. 15 04 00

Oh and I've finally put the course opening times on the tees page (in playspots)


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Welcome to Rendezvous Paddler's Ring!  It is flowing pretty nicely, let's see if we can get some more related links going here.