District 201 Q3. Queensland Australia 
Golden Valley Keperra Lions Club Inc
Convention 2006 "Come and Mix in Two O Six"

GVK News

Welcome to our home on the World Wide Web. We trust you will find our site interesting and informative. 

Come join us in October 2006 when we host the "Come andMix in Two O Six" District 201 Q3 Convention in the Hills district. Keep checking here for further details.

Golden Valley Keperra is situated in the Hills district of the Pine Shire 15 kilometres north west of the Capital City of Brisbane in sunny sub-tropical Queensland on the Eastern seaboard of Australia. 
Golden Valley Keperra was chartered in April 1972 and has since grown to one of the largest clubs in Lions District 201 Q3. 

We also have an active Lioness & Leo Club. Recently we sponsored and chartered the "Keperra Kings Lioness Club" which is a first of it's kind, as it's membership is made up of Physically & Intellectually Challenged young men and women.

Together we are a dedicated group of men and women who have joined Lions International. 
We devote some of our spare time and energy towards helping those people in our community who through circumstances are less fortunate than ourselves 

We meet on the first and third Wednesday of each month in fun, friendship and fellowship at the Arana Leagues Club. Dawson Parade. Arana Hills. 6:30 pm for 7:00pm.


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