Laura's Secret Newsletter
Number 013

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Laura's Opinion
Did you know that with Costco you must have a membership to shop there? I'm sure you did. I think that is strange. To get this membership you have to either work for the Government, own your own buisness or be a member of the CAA. My Mother got her membership through belonging to the CAA. And there is probably a few other ways to get a membership but I just don't know what they are. Also, you can go as a guest of someone with a membership.
See, usually stores will do anything to get customers. But Costco is different! You have to do something to get into their store! Maybe the fact that you need to have a membership is a good thing. Maybe it makes the shopper feel special. And maybe people shop there more because it's an 'exclusive' store! Maybe Costco has a good idea there. Cause being a person who doesnt have a membership, I kinda want to shop there just to say I can!

Lesley's Wierd Whitby Wendy's Experience.
Lesley Geddes, Heather Kring, and Amanda Seddon all went to Wendy's on Brock and Consumer dr.
Amanda and Lesley ordered 3 breaksticks, and they were COLD. So Lesley asked if she could have them warm. The Cashier ROLLED her eyes and put them in the oven, THE OVEN, so when they got out they were BURNT, and Lesley doesnt pay for stuff she doesnt like so she asked for new ones.
They got Lesley and Amanda some new breaksticks and tossed them rudely at Lesley and Amanda. Then the manager came over and started yelling at Lesley and saying the breadsticks were supposed to be cold and that they werent supposed to be put in the oven, Lesley nor Amanda told them to put them in the oven, so what the hell? then Lesley said I work at Wendy's and we don't serve our breadsticks cold and then the manager said do you want to see the proceedure manual and Lesley said yes, the manager left and never returned.
Seriously, COLD BREADSTICKS, EW!!!! Lesley, Amanda, and Heather K will never eat there again because of the BASTARDS that work there, oh yeah they complained to the Wendy's board. Also The sandwich makers there DON'T wear gloves, EWWW!

I'm not sure what the site is all about. Go see!
Sometimes the links don't work so the addy is

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