Laura's Fun Day
Hey! I slept in this morning. My whole family got up at 9.
Ooopsie. So I arrived at school around 9:40, and I didn't go
to 2nd period because at 10:00 it was my time to donate blood.
Yes, today there was a blood donor thing at my school!
Me and Danielle went together. We went in and got a form,
and we had to read this binder with 3 pages of stuff about blood.
Then a lady pricked my finger and told me my blood was type A.
Then I had to go fill out a questionairre about AIDS, and no I
do not have it! There was questions like had I been in England,
Ireland or Scotland for over 6 months since 1977?
Have I been to Africa or had sex with anyone from Africa?
Well, it was not all of Africa but they named a few countries
and I can't remember them. It also asked if I was a man who
had had sex with another man. And it even asked if I had done
it with a guy who had done it with another guy!
All of my boxes were checked NO. Except the one that said
"Are you feeling well today?" Then a lady took my blood
pressure and pulse.
She asked me if I had eaten that day and I hadn't,
so I lied and said I had breakfast cause I really
wanted to donate.
Then I had to go lay on a bed and they put the
needle in my arm and the blood donating part only took about
6-7 minutes. Then they made me lay there for 5 minutes, then i had
to sit for 5 minutes. While I was there about 4 males fainted.
But no females! Hahahahahaha!!! Its true!
Then I drank lots of juice and ate cookies! Yum yum.
And Danielle took longer than me. I got a headache.
By the time it was all done it was 12:30.
Laura's Helpful Tip
When you go on the bus do not try to put in less that
$1.50! The thing you put your money in is like a
candy machine. The bus driver can see your exact amount,
and if you try to cheat them they will yell at you.
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