Laura's Secret Newsletter
Number 024

The Trivia...
Ok, here are the answers! Nobody got all of them, but Joanna and Sonya tried. They got the last 2 answers correct. You are all pathetic!

1. What does the bumper sticker say on the back of Flander's car?
I Love Your Kids

2. What is Homer's greatest fear?
Sock Puppets

3. Where in the nuclear power plant does Homer work in?
Sector 7G

4. What was bart's twin brother's name?

Non-Exciting News
The drug dogs are in my school. There was just an announcement. The principal says we can't go to our lockers because we will "distract" the dogs. Yeah right! They just don't want everyone running to their lockers and stuffing their bags of Mary Jane down their pants. Those dogs are screwed up anyways. This chick in my class said she was called down to the office because the dogs 'tagged' her locker. She had nothing in there, and they found nothing when they searched.

Laura Is Worried
I want to have this certain color of red in the livingroom when me and my Dad decorate our house. It is the same red that is in my current livingroom. My Dad went to the paint store and some retard told him it would take 5 to 6 coats to cover the walls. That same retard also said you couldn't color match it. (It is a Benjamin Moore, we need it in Pratt and Lambert JUST BECAUSE). Well this ugly retard is wrong. My Mom told me it only took 2 or 3 coats when she did our livingroom. My Mom also said that she got that color matched. I am worried that my Dad is going to make MY house hideous. MEN HAVE NO TASTE. THEY SHOULD LEAVE IT TO THE WOMEN.

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