Laura Trivia
Here is some more trivia! If you can get all the answers you will be a very special person and I will tell everyone that in my next newsletter.
1. What is Laura's favorite color?
2. What is Laura's favorite food?
3. If a guy has a weird _____ Laura won't find him attractive.
4. What does Laura prefer, chips or cheezies?
Non-Exciting News
Me and Eddie had to help my Dad pick out some new clothes. He was just getting some t-shirts and bathing suits at Zellers. I had to check each shirt he picked out to make sure it didn't say 'cherokee' on it. That is the Zellers brand and everyone knows it. No need for him embarassing himself, and others around him.
Laura Is Angry
I am taking 2 different English courses. In both courses I have to do novel studies. So I thought "sweet, I can read one book, and do 2 novel studies.' But no, Both teachers say i have to read books out of THEIR selections. Poo!