Laura's Secret Newsletter
Number 026

Laura Trivia
Hey! Here are the answers to the Laura Trivia. Lesley got 3.5 right and Joanna got 1 right. Joanna also came up with some very peculiar answers.

1. What is Laura's favorite color?

2. What is Laura's favorite food?
Macaroni and Cheese!

3. If a guy has a weird _____ Laura won't find him attractive.
The answer is NAME!

4. What does Laura prefer, chips or cheezies?
Of course it's cheezies.

Non-Exciting News
Me and my Mom looked at some houses last night! In one place, the woman who owned it followed us around while carrying her dog. Her house was hideously decorated! There was wallpaper, with a border at the top and bottom in her room. That is just too much. And she was very proud of it. And her kitchen floor was 'wonky'. If you want to know what 'wonky' is, ask my Mom, her words! Another place seemed ok from the description. It said 'shows like a dream'. But it should have said 'shows like an acid trip'. The entire house was PURPLE! And it smelled like poo in the basement.

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