April Fools
Well, I didn't do anything funny for April Fools! I slept until 1:30 so I missed it. If I still had my fake poo I would have gone wild with that thing! I gotta get another one of those, they're hilarious! If you did anything amusing for April Fools day, email me and i will put it in the newsletter.
My Weekend
On Friday me and Eddie were supposed to go to the Royal York on the Go Train. But as usual, Eddie was faking sick so he missed school. So Mom said he couldnt go with me, so I had to take the train ALONE. When I got there I had to wait in the lobby, and I hate doing that! The people who work there give me dirty looks cause I dress like a scrud. So then me and Dad went out for dinner, then he had to go drink booze somewhere so I stayed in the room and watched T.V. Dad really wanted me to meet his woman, but I didnt want to. But of course I wanted to spy on her. So on Saturday morning, we sat in chairs on the level above the lobby, and I saw her walk by. I was going to throw a crumpled up candy wrapper at her, but she was too far away. So I threw it at some other guy instead.
Oh also, me Lesley and Heather got tickets to OZZFEST!!!!!! YEAH BABY!!!! I am just so cool you are all lowly turds compared to me!
New People
Hey, I am special! So far, 3 people I have never met are on the mailing list! My Dad FORCED me to put someone on the list, and this chicky who farts a lot wanted to be on it, Hilary. Then Hilary told me this Darren guy wanted to be on the list. I am special. Everyone loves me!
The Archives!