Breakers Crew Represent
The surf at breakers can get pretty gnarly when the hurricanes roll through.
In fact, one local yokal has actually been seen paddling out with a life vest.
                        Heres a good outside wave                                        "Oooh, that's a good wave to wipe out on."
                                                                                                                                                        -Mr. Maslow
                                          Here I am observing my seniority rights over one of the local gremmies.
                                                                                 (and Ryland accepting)
Surf Forcasting Links
Upperlevel Winds



My Friends and Colleagues
Shit Hall crew on Bourbon Street
New Orleans
                          Ethan, drunk man walking                                                              Who are these people??
                                                                                                                                   "I'm sooo wasted"
          MotoX Mike  ,   BAG  ,   Jaden the ripper ,     Me                       My roomate Dave  ,      George Schuh III  ,     Me
                           " BREAKERS CREW"
            Solo, Ethan, and "Guy on the couch"                                                           Hangin in Gulf Shores
                          chillin on campus
            Melissa  ,   Me         Blink182 Concert...........                                  F.S.U.'s   Finest  Womens  B.Ball Player
            I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you                                                                 Nikki
                                                                           Let the good times roll

Grilled Cheese with an iron?
That's right Biatch
                       "Master Cheff Dave," baking                                                                 Final Product
                                                                                                                              See the iron marks??

Florida State University
UF getting what they diserve
!!!!Go Seminoles!!!!
12th Floor View

My Idol
"Listen Bud.  All I need are some tasty waves
a cool buzz, and I'm fine.  Hahahaha"

Suggestions, Comments, whatever?