Welcome to Eden Lake, Nova Scotia

Blueberries Chrstmas Trees Cemetery
Church Page Sign Guestbook View Guestbook View Old Guestbook

Hello Folks!!
My name is John Wood and I am retired, having worked as a Surveyor with the Dept. of Transportation for 30 years. Now I am having fun fooling with the computer in my spare time. When I am working I am growing Blueberries and Christmas Trees ; I have a page on Blueberries which I think you will enjoy. This page has several graphics and may be slow loading but I think it's worth the wait. Thanks.
John's Blueberry Page

I also have a Christmas Tree Page.
John's Christmas tree Page

I also have a page about the church I attend in the Garden of Eden. If you would like to see and read about this Church, click below.
Blair Presbyterian Church

I also have a page on the Garden of Eden Cemetery. you will find this page at.
John's Cemetery Page

"My Family"

I am married to a lovely woman who has shared the last 61 years with me and is still the nice person she was 61 years ago. We have three children Jack, Jim and Brenda . We have five grandchildren Darryl, Derek, Blair, Craig and Cindy.We have 3 great grandchildren Zakk, Joshua and Gracie

My Grandson Darryl has a very good Homepage on Hockey and music. If you have a moment, have a look. You wont be disappointed.
Darryl's Hockey and MusicPage

My Grandson Craig has a very good Homepage on First Generation Camaros. If you have a moment you should have a look,you wont be diaappointed.
Craig's First GenerationCamaro page

My Grandson Darryl's wife Sarah Wood has a Homepage on the "Chignecto Ship Railway", A very good Essay, be sure and read.
Sarah's Home Page

Our Grandchildren (pictures)

If you bought a lottery ticket and need the winning numbers, click below.

Lotto #

Some Links of Interest
History of Blue Mountain, Nova Scotia by Elizabeth Coady

Pictou County Page

Douglas Sinnis Genealogy Page

Postal Codes

Canada 411

"EDEN REFLECTIONS" Poems by Jeanette Smith

Please Sign my Guestbook


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Last Updated:April 7th,2009

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