Environmental Analytical Chemistry

My name is Peter Lorey and I am a Chemist with the USACE

I previously worked as a GC Analyst and then the QA Specialist with Severn Trent Laboratories in Buffalo, NY.

I am originally from the Syracuse area, and I received my Ph.D. in analytical chemistry from Syracuse University in December 2001.
S.U. Logo

I was a student in the Chemistry Department and I also did most of my research in the Environmental Engineering Department.

I chose to study environmental chemistry because I love chemistry, and I also love dealing with the natural environment. My Ph.D. dissertation research involved studying mercury. I have analyzed sediment cores from Adirondack lakes. I have also analyzed lake water samples from all over Vermont and New Hampshire. Visit my Mercury Page to learn more about my research.

I did my undergraduate work at the Rochester Institute of Technology.
R.I.T. logo
Check out the R.I.T. Chemistry Department website. While I was there I became a member of the national chemistry fraternity Alpha Chi Sigma. Click on the logo to go to Alpha Chi Sigma at R.I.T.

AXE Crest

Here are some other Alpha Chi Sigma links:
Alpha Chi Sigma at Syracuse University

Alpha Chi Sigma National

Here are some links to sites related to chemistry and the environment.

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Chemistry links
Environmental stuff
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