Personal Guidance

The Church of the Rain Forest a little different than other churches, it's on the net. We are not talking directly to one another. It would seem that this would make a minister's job a bit difficult. I don't feel that way, I am quite comfortable here, I have become a creature of the web.

I am an ordained minister, I am quite serious about my church, and I am here to help you. We have e-mail with which to communicate and your privacy is certain. If you have problems that are bothering you and you need help, I am here for you. If you are truly sorry for a sin you have committed, I can help you with forgiveness.

There are many ministerial duties that the Internet is not suited for. I will not be performing marriages, baptisms, or funeral services here. We can talk and I am looking forward to hearing from you. Rev. Doug Gannon at: 1