Once you have secured your e-mail account you will be ready to go. Follow the directions and answer the questions below and e-mail the answers to Dr. Good at dangood@gasou.edu
"Getting Started"
Go to Netscape, click on open and type http://geocities.datacellar.net/rainforest/1894/index.html
This will take you to Good's homepage. Click on weather and climate. Click on Real Time weather from GSU and click.
Answer Questions:
What is the:
1. time and date?
2. current temperature?
3. Minimum/Maximum temperature and when? (may have to click on Full Observation for this)
4. wind direction and speed?
5. rainfall for the month?
Hit back and go to Weather Channel.
6. Click on News Center (top right) and click on La Nina or any other topic of interest. Explain what you found there. (i.e. good, bad, ugly, etc.) Also, look at maps.
Click on Back several times until you reach Good's page. Click on Maps and then click on Maps On Us.
7. Plan Route from your hometown to Pittsburgh PA , by setting a beginning address (hometown, state) and the ending address (Pittsburgh, PA). What is your hometown?
8. How long will it take?
9. How many turns?
10. How many miles?
11. Try out other features of Maps On Us. Write paragraph telling what you think about site and how site might help students
learn geographic locations, etc.
12. Click on Netsearch in the middle of the Netscape page. Type in one of the places like Sable Island, Okefenokee swamp,your hometown, etc.) and click on Go get it
or search. Look over sites and pick one and do the following:
A. Give address and title
B. Summarize site
C. Relate site to importance of knowing geographic places. Use imagination here.
D. Opinion of site? Good, bad, cool, etc.?
13. Check out sites like www.cnn.com and www.usatoday.com
Write brief paragraph about what you found there, how you liked it, etc.
14. What do you think about all of this internet stuff so far? Write paragraph and let me know.
E-mail all answers to dangood@gasou.edu